Tag "work"

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Fun Stuff

10 Jobs Your Teen Can Do This Summer

Right about now, teenagers across the country are saying, “I’m bored!” That’s a logical response to a summer break where the school routine has ended.

Small Business

How to Create a Highly Desirable Work Culture

Many of us want to work at a place where we are appreciated. Unfortunately, that desire is often not met. Instead, we find ourselves working at a job because we have to, not because we want to.

Consumer Tips

How to Earn Cash Fast

When you need money fast, do you borrow it? Sell something? Beg for it?

Business Services

8 Hot Entrepreneurial Opportunities

If you have ever considered working for yourself you’ll be joining tens of millions of Americans that have ventured out on their own. Many started their businesses on the side and, once firmly established, quit their regular jobs to devote full attention to their budding enterprises.

Business Opportunities

7 Home Based Businesses You Can Launch Quickly

Have you ever dreamed about starting your own business? Perhaps you are working a job you detest and want to venture out on your own. Or maybe you are a stay-at-home mother looking for ways to supplement the family income.

Money News

12 Success Tips For Today’s Entrepreneurs

Tweet Working for yourself has many benefits. As an entrepreneur, you are the master of your own destiny, the one you depend on to start and end your day and

Fun Stuff

20 New Year’s Resolutions We Can All Do

Are you ready to make some resolutions for the new year? The usual ones include losing weight, eating right, exercising more, and taking a vacation to an exotic destination. Good resolutions at that, but there are many more to consider.

Money Management

Seasonal Employment and How to Find It

No matter the time of year, companies are always looking for temporary help to supplement their staffs and to serve their customers. During the holiday season that demand tends to increase, especially in the retail sector.

Business Services

4 Effective SEO Strategies for Today’s Webmasters

Webmasters have learned over the past few years that their search engine optimization (SEO) strategies must be continually honed and refined to reflect the latest changes from Google. Google is, of course, the largest search provider in the world.

Small Business

Smart Incentives for Healthy Companies

The key to employee morale lies in part with compensation. Pay your people what they are worth and you will have a satisfied workplace.

Small Business

Employee Mentoring and Your Small Business

Your small business may not have the resources to provide new employees with two-week paid training outside of the workplace, but you may have an available tool that can be just as effective: employee mentoring.

Business Management

You Can Make That Flawless Job Offer

Finding the right job candidate takes time and should include a thorough vetting process. Once you have found your best candidate among your short-list prospects, you are ready to extend a job offer.

Small Business

The Short List: How to Choose the Best Person for the Position

The interviewing process can be a long one especially for senior-level job candidates and professionals that have unique skills.

Small Business

Cost Effective Training Tips for Small Businesses

Small businesses do not have the training resources that large corporations enjoy. Likely, your personnel budget is much more modest, requiring a more innovative approach to instruction.

Small Business

How to Motivate Your Employees

Motivating your employees can prove challenging, especially if you are seeking to get more work out of them.