That’s a dilemma for many people especially when an emergency comes up and there is no money to pay for it. You can earn cash fast and legally by considering the following options.
1. Head to a temp agency. Yes, temporary jobs are a great way to make money fast. Many businesses rely on temporary workers to satisfy temporary spikes in business. Some jobs are factory work while others may require office assistance, sales help, or marketing. Agencies typically pay weekly with some providing cash immediately following the day’s work.
2. Work as a day laborer. Workers are needed to handle jobs as they come up, what a day laborer performs. A day laborer may cut grass, trim trees, build walls, or remove debris. Typically, laborers gather at an employment agency early in the morning and are assigned jobs that day. Following the day’s work, payment is made.
3. Try your hand at stage hand. If you live in a right-to-work state, you may be able to find work as a stage or production hand. A stagehand works back stage or behind the scenes for television, film, theater on locale production. They handle a variety of tasks including lifting heavy boxes, managing lights, operating rigging, and handling special effects for production. The work can be grueling and the hours odd, but the pay is there for the right person.
4. Hold a yard sale. Who says that you have to wait until the weekend to hold a yard sale? Gather a number of items together, set everything up on tables, tag your items and catch people as they drive by. Yes, signage is important and thanks to sites like Craigslist you can advertise your sale and hold it on the same day.
5. Take on some odd jobs. Walk your neighborhood and you’ll likely find a number of homes where the siding needs to be power washed, the grass cut, bushes trimmed, a mailbox painted, or a deck painted. Given that you live locally and your neighbors know who you are, you have a ready supply of customers at the ready. Do your best work and you’ll likely get referred to other neighborhoods, bringing in steady “fast cash” with each completed job.
6. You make it, you sell it. If you have a talent for arts and crafts, parting is such sweet sorrow, but selling can earn you much needed cash fast. Decide which of your antiquities would earn you some money and sell it. Perhaps you have a friend that has long admired a wall treatment or a vase, a source for quick cash. You might also sell your wares by setting up a stand at a flea market or an indoor bazaar.
Making Money
Other ways to make money fast include donating plasma, selling something of value to a pawn shop, turning in your scrap metal, or by finding an online gig. You might also consider returning an item to a store for a refund, rent out a room, or sign up for a medical test. Avoid borrowing money from your life insurance or pilfering your retirement account, options that can leave you with less money long term.
See Also — 7 Ways to Make Money Legally Fast
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