Tag "cash"
How to Shop Like a Successful Person
So, you’ve got the money. You’ve got a stable job, a steady income, savings and investments and you believe it’s high time to enjoy your hard work.
4 Tips for Teaching Children About Money
Teaching your children right now on how to save money is important. It will help them learn the value of money and enable them to stay out of debt or at least manage it properly.
5 Fun & Easy Ways to Raise Money
If you need to raise money for a church mission trip or to support a community organization, you have a number of options available to you. These options include events that can be held in one day or projects that can take weeks or even months to complete.
The Where and the How of Senior Discounts
The later years of your life should be enjoyable as well as comfortable. For many seniors, however, funds are tight and their health is on the decline.
How to Earn Cash Fast
When you need money fast, do you borrow it? Sell something? Beg for it?
Business Money and How to Get It
Your small business needs big bucks to get going, especially if you anticipate rapid growth and expansion. Unless you have deep pockets of your own, you’ll need to seek business money from other sources to fund your enterprise.
Sound Financial Strategies for Young Families
Tweet Nevertheless, children are certainly a blessing and bring with them both hope and the promise of change. For young married couples, employing several sound financial strategies early on can
What You Need to Know About Credit This Christmas
Christmas is certainly a most joyful time of the year, with the advent season providing weeks of enjoyment before the big day arrives. And on through New Year’s Day the merriment continues until early in Jan. when the first of your credit card bills arrive.
Cash Payments and Your New Car Deal
Tweet Buying a new car has distinct advantages including giving you tremendous bargaining power. However, once you read through this discussion you may decide to hold on to your cash
How to Make Money Without Money
Tweet Even without the tools in place, you may be able to launch the makings of a successful business with absolutely no up front cash investment from you. 1. Your
How to Build Wealth
Tweet Wealth accumulation takes time and it does not happen without much effort and oversight on your part. Your savings plan should be consistent and include the following strategies. 1.
It’s a Fake! How to Spot Fake Gold, Silver & Diamonds
Tweet By Alex Levin And as the current financial climate continues to waver and falter, many have become disenchanted with the imaginary value of paper currency and turned to these
History of Gold as Currency
Tweet By Alex Levin Gold wasn’t always as sought after as it is today. Although gold was first used as jewelry in approximately 4000 B.C., it took more than 2,000
The Secret of Successful Budgeting
Tweet Trouble is, their “have” may be much more than what you have, which means someone has a budgeting secret that you are just dying to learn. Fortunately, smart budgeting
Cash or Credit: Which to Use?
Tweet Let’s take a look at those reasons: Delayed Payment — When buying with credit, you delay paying out money that may be earning interest. Certainly, low paying savings accounts