Tag "economy"

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Business Financing

Why Small Businesses Need to Think About Their Retirement Plans Early

Starting your own business ushers in a new phase of your professional life. It’s exciting to build a career based on your personal skills and ability to operate a small company.

Consumer Tips

How to Shop For a Deal at a Pawn Shop

Pawn shops have a seedy reputation, one that isn’t entirely deserved. These shops have been used to fence stolen goods and they aren’t always regulated as strongly as traditional retail shops.

Consumer Tips

7 Bad Economy Money Tips

Tweet For example, Washington politicians are largely sheltered, drawing huge wages and enjoying lavish benefits. Just the same, there are people who are taking advantage of difficult times and squeezing

Money Management

How to Survive Barack Obama’s Economy

Tweet President Barack H. Obama has been in office for more than 2.5 years and the American economy and its outlook is owned by him. Many Americans were okay with

Book Reviews

Book Review: The 10 Commandments of Money

Top Internet money adviser presents contemporary financial advice. Liz Pulliam Weston, author of Your Credit Score and MSN columnist, has released a new book titled, “The 10 Commandments of Money.” This time around Weston speaks to the consumer who was pummeled by the most recent recession who would, in this case, be nearly every single one of us.

Money News

Bleak Job Outlook Portends Weak Christmas Shopping Season

Tweet Holiday shopping may take a hit in 2011 Consumer Reports is reporting that American consumers are managing their finances better, but a worsening job picture and falling retail sales


Jobless Recovery & Other Illusions

Tweet Economic funk continues The economic numbers continue to pour in with very few people believing that they offer a promise of a sustained recovery. That’s bad news for America,

Money News

Survey Says: Homeowners Are Happy

Tweet Good news from and for America’s homeowners. Here’s a bit of good news that will warm your recession-weary hearts: a full 90 percent of homeowners are satisfied with their

Home Financing

Mortgage Rates Drop Once Again

Tweet It is a great time to buy a new home! If you believe you have heard that line before, that isn’t surprising. On Thursday, Bankrate.com reported that the rate

Home Financing Money News

Mortgage Rates Near All-Time Lows

Tweet Approaching historic low mortgage rates. If you are in the market for a new home or are eligible for refinancing, then you may want to take a look at

Money News

Double Dip Recession Possible If Housing Slide Persists

Tweet Here’s an unpleasant thought: as the nation gradually pulls away from the worst recession in more than a generation, consumer confidence begins to wane and job creation evaporates. That

Consumer Tips

Good Reasons To Finish Your Christmas Shopping Early

Tweet My mother had a friend who was a consummate Christmas shopper. Unlike some shoppers who started to patronize stores around Thanksgiving, Eileen had her shopping done and presents wrapped

Money News

I’ll Take A “V” Recovery Any Day!

Tweet When it comes to economic recovery following a recession, a “V” is much better than a “W” in all cases. Who would have ever thought that the economy could


Recession? Not In These States!

Tweet Unemployment continues to rise even as President Obama promised that it would stay below 8% if his multi-billion dollar spending package was passed as it was last winter. Through

Money Management

Economic Recovery? Expert Says Not Before 2010.

Tweet Taking a look back at 2008, experts now realize that the country was in a recession the entire year, possibly kicking in as early as November 2007. Some experts