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Will IE9 Become a Game Changer?

Tweet IE9 is out, or at least the public beta version of this web browser has been released. You may no longer use Internet Explorer, but more than half of

Consumer Tips

Consumer Alert: Hotel Credit Card Scam

Tweet You’ve arrived in your hotel room and just finished unpacking your suitcase when the phone rings. You answer the phone and the caller says they are with hotel management,

Autos Express Money News

20 Drunk Driving Hotspots

Tweet Driving while drunk remains a serious scourge, with 11,773 people killed on U.S. roads in 2008, the last year statistics are available. That number is down dramatically from 1982

Money Management

How to Save Money in This Lousy Economy

Tweet Economists agree that the last recession ended in June 2009, but that is small comfort for most Americans. With nearly 15 million people unemployed, signs of recovery are nearly

Fun Stuff

Fall Fun: How To Bob For Apples

Tweet If you’re looking for a fall fun activity, bobbing for apples can provide lots of laughs for adults and squeals of delight from children, never mind a whole host

Autos Express

$45K Price Tag For Coda Electric Vehicle

Tweet Coda Automotive, a car company you never heard of, has priced the first vehicle they’ll ever sell: the five-passenger all-electric CODA sedan. Yes, not exactly a memorable name, but

Product Reviews

Product Review: Chargepod by Callpod

Tweet If you’re like most families, you own several cell phones, a digital camera, a gaming system, a music player and other devices which need to be plugged in when

Consumer Tips

How to Pick the Perfect Pumpkin

Tweet September is a prime harvest month, with the last batch of summer produce hitting the market. Corn is about done, fresh tomatoes will soon be a thing of the

Home Tips

Remove Fall Leaves the Smart Way!

Tweet Raking leaves is a no-brainer, right? Well, yes. But, it can also become back breaking work, consume more time than you like and become a hassle especially if you

Travel Tips

Bad Weather Coming? Don’t Forget The Pets!

Tweet Hurricane season isn’t the only time of the year when bad weather can change your plans. If the tempest becomes bad enough you may have to evacuate your home

Career Planning

Top Five Tax Deductibles for Contractors

Tweet By Alex Simmonds Around the world more and more people are making the change to freelance, contract or consulting work, swayed by the freedom and flexibility of self-employment and

Money News

Bleak Job Outlook Portends Weak Christmas Shopping Season

Tweet Holiday shopping may take a hit in 2011 Consumer Reports is reporting that American consumers are managing their finances better, but a worsening job picture and falling retail sales

Home Tips

6 Timely Home Winterizing Tips

Tweet With summer coming to an end, thoughts of winter are hardly being entertained as leaves begin to change, apples ripen and pumpkins are ready for the picking. Yet, by

Consumer Financing

Should You Take the Rebate or the Auto Financing?

Tweet If you’re planning to buy a new car, more than likely the dealer will offer you some sort of incentive to help persuade you to buy. Incentives usually always

Credit Cards

How to Get a Bad Credit Credit Card

Tweet If you have bad credit, that means your credit score is about as low as it can get and is likely very deep into sub-prime lending territory. Perhaps you’ve