Tag "car insurance"
The Pros and Cons of Raising Your Car Insurance Deductible
Raising your car insurance deductible is one of the most effective strategies for decreasing your premiums. Discover if this is a good tactic for you.
6 Tips to get a Great Auto Insurance Deal
Insurance usually constitutes a considerable part of car maintenance cost. So, it is necessary for you to choose your insurance policy wisely to reduce the cost.
How to Recover Financially from Your Major Auto Accident
A major auto accident could have a myriad of negative consequences for your future. Those consequences usually mean both short and long-term problems. There is one constant in both though, and it is the financial cloud looming over.
Auto Insurance Myths Die Hard, Don’t They?
Red cars make auto insurers see green, right? Green, as in cash. Well, no.
Top 5 Insurance Companies
Need auto insurance? Let’s review the types of companies to look at.
Auto Insurance Premium Terms Defined
When shopping for auto insurance, you will come across many terms, some which may be familiar such as collision (repairs to your vehicle) and comprehensive (vehicle repairs, non-accidents) others vaguely so with still others a mystery to you.
6 Steps to Take Immediately Following a Car Accident
Tweet By Ann Smarty Do you know what to do if you are involved in an auto accident? Your ability to make the right decisions following an auto accident can
Your Low Cost Auto Insurance Quotes
Tweet You may be thinking the same thing as me: If I see one more talking gecko or perky Flo commercial, I’ll get sick. But more than likely you have
Oh, Deer: Vehicle Collisions On The Upswing
Tweet America’s deer population is out of control in some regions, forcing communities to take drastic steps to cull herds through hunting and other methods. One sure way to get
Yours To Insure: Save Money On Car Insurance
Tweet Consumers who are considering making a new car purchase are likely to find some of the best buys this year. That is because auto sales are way down and
Simple, Smart & Savvy Money Saving Tips, Part 2
Tweet This is one in an occasional series of articles discussing money saving tips. Yesterday we looked at seven ways to save money, so today we’ll take a look at
Smart Tips To Help You Lower Your Car Insurance Costs
Tweet When was the last time you checked your car insurance policy? Admittedly, I pay scant attention to my renewal notices as they typically go down every six months because