Tag "personal finances"

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Business Financing

Why Small Businesses Need to Think About Their Retirement Plans Early

Starting your own business ushers in a new phase of your professional life. It’s exciting to build a career based on your personal skills and ability to operate a small company.

Debt Management

5 Events That Can Destroy Your Finances if You Don’t Respond Quickly

Many of us live paycheck-to-paycheck in these uncertain times. It can be hard to save up money when you’re trying to pay rent or buy groceries.


Insurance and Why You Need It

If you own a car you need insurance. If you own a house you need insurance. If you have health problems, you need insurance.

Tax Tips

Federal Tax Return Extension: IRS Form 4868

Are you ready to meet this year’s tax filing deadline? You have until April 15 to file and to avoid penalties.

Autos Express

How to Save Money Toward Your Next Car

The car you are currently driving will not last forever. Unless you’re a mechanic and spend much time tinkering with it. For the rest of us, buying a new or good-condition used car every so often is the way to go.

Financial Planning

7 Difficult Personal Finance Decisions That You May Have to Make

Finances can be one of the most difficult areas to work through when life seriously challenges you. You might have to make some tough choices that are uncomfortable but will be of the most benefit to you in your individual circumstances.

Tax Tips

Tax Tips for the Year Ahead

Tax season means looking back, specifically at the calendar year just ended. That makes sense as you have only until April 15 to get your taxes in order, prepared and sent off to the IRS and to your state’s taxing authority.

Consumer Tips

What You Need to Know About Debt Collector Tactics

If you owe a debt and have fallen behind on your payments, you may find that a debt collector has been enlisted in a bid to collect what is owed. Your creditor may turn to a collector if its own efforts have failed, a common practice with unsecured debt such as credit card accounts and other consumer accounts.

Consumer Tips

7 Tips for Reducing Credit Card Debt This Year

More than five years have passed since the economy tanked and credit is once again easy to get and just as easy to abuse. What is not so easy is getting out of debt, especially for consumers with restricted income and the attendant limited options.


Renters Insurance: Surprisingly Affordable

If you are a tenant, you are not protected from loss if items are stolen from your apartment or your home is damaged. You need separate renters insurance, a policy between your insurance company and yourself.

Credit Cards

5 Considerations When Applying for a Credit Card

When shopping for a new credit card, know that your application will receive thorough scrutiny. Don’t be fooled by the 60-second response deals — you will get your answer fast because your information is pulled, reviewed and scored by computers.

Credit Cards

Bad Credit and Your New Car Lease

Leasing a new car is an option to financing, with both paths requiring consumers to have the means to get the vehicle. Those “means” include employment as well as an acceptable credit history required for approval.

Credit Cards

7 Credit Card Tips For Smart Consumers

When shopping for a new credit card it is important to keep a few things in mind. Opening up a new account can affect your credit and how you manage that credit can impact your credit score.

Consumer Financing

What You Need to Know About Your Credit Repair Company

Scores of companies want your business, enterprises that have been established to help consumers fix their credit. Such credit assistance companies can be beneficial for consumers that do not have the knowledge or time to manage their personal credit problems.