Give Them More Than What They Expect!

Give Them More Than What They Expect!


Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected — Steve Jobs

We live in interesting times. The Internet has brought the world together like never before and we all have access to vast amounts of information.

But it is easy to get lost in the midst of the data jungle, with your words…your voice, crowded out.

I included the quote from Apple founder Steve Jobs for a reason. Of all the tech companies we know, Apple is a cut above the rest. Above Yahoo. Above Microsoft. And, yes, above Google.

Though Google is prized for its sheer size, much of what it develops has been acquired. With Apple, all of their products are of their own innovations. You may not own a Mac, but you love iTunes; you may own an iPhone and you are absolutely intrigued by the iPad.

Quality Yardstick

Apple got where they are because they are THE yardstick of quality. It took nearly two decades of using PCs to show me that Macs are best and are without all of the goofy registry problems plaguing Windows based units. I promise I won’t become a Mac snob, but their computers are exceptional.

Few of us can be compared to Steve Jobs when it comes to scale and influence. But that shouldn’t stop us from pursuing our best. Jobs and many tech wonders like him started out small, but thanks to a relentless pursuit of excellence have made a name for themselves and their products.

Niche Dominator

So, what is the best approach for being a stand out in your particular niche? That’s easy: give “them” more than what is expected from you. Here are some examples I like to employ:

Writing — Your client may call for a 400-word lightly researched article, but why stop there? Consider contacting at least one expert for an in-text quote, add in some long tail keywords and pluck a related public domain photo from Wikimedia Commons. You’ve not only demonstrated to your client that you can get the job done, but that you took leadership in crafting a well researched, nicely written and proofread piece.

Marketing — Your expertise may be along the lines of marketing, a broad category that may include on-line and off-line strategies. Though I would never advise people to give away the store, I do encourage them to dress up their presentation. For example, offer clients a detailed spreadsheet outlining articles written, links exchanged, ads placed or some other tasks completed.

Design — You have found a suitable WordPress theme, but does it do enough? Probably not, unless you paid for a professionally designed theme. Importantly, it is often the back end issues that make all the difference in the way a blog looks and runs. Those issues include plug-ins to make the blog more secure, watermarks for photographs, optimization of posts and pages for SEO purposes and so much more. Your customer may not understand the importance of these things but you do. Tell them and then show them what a difference you make.

Lasting Value

One phrase you will never hear from Steve Jobs is this one: “we lack new customers.” Because Job set a yardstick for quality, people know that what Apple makes will be of lasting value and will continue to beat a path to Apple stores.

In whatever sphere you work, you can do the same by dominating your niche because you consistently go beyond what is expected from you.

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Categories: Achieving Success

About Author

Matthew C. Keegan

Matt Keegan is a freelance writer and editor as well as publisher of "Matt's Musings", his personal blog. Matt covers campus, consumer, business and financial topics on various websites and blogs, and has been published in the "Houston Chronicle", "Sam's Club Magazine" and "Wisconsin Golfer".