Statistics show that 3 percent of the population earns 97 percent of all the money.
Wow. What exactly do the 3 percent do differently?
Honestly, it’s not rocket science. You can begin to make money today. All you need is commitment, resilience and a lot of patience. It’s not going to happen overnight, that’s for sure. I have developed a guide to help you towards your first five or six-figure per year income.
Strive at having several sources of income
Bob Proctor, in his video “The Science of Getting Rich” describes two ways of making money. The first way, which most people understand, is trading time for money. This is where you work 9-5, five or six days per week for a regular pay check.
This is the worst way to make money. But a majority of people are stuck here, too afraid to quit and venture on more productive ways of making money.
However, to really become financially independent, you need to have many sources of income. You may say that this needs a lot of money, time, and many other excuses that come to mind; but if you intend it, you can do it.
Develop the right mindset
The biggest barrier to financial success is your own mind. The doubts and the fear keep you from even attempting to find financial success. When you resolve to make any growth oriented change in your life, doubt creeps in.
You’re not gonna make it? Don’t even dare, you don’t have what it takes? What if you fail? Blah blah blah.
It is therefore extremely important to overcome this fear. Read inspirational stories of people who have made it in life and seek the company of people who can inspire you. Go to the places where people with the kind of money you want hang out and watch them.
This will help you create a new mindset.
Start with what you can
In most cases, you wait for things to be perfect before investing in a brilliant idea that you just had. The bad news is that things are never going to be perfect. You don’t need to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
Once you start, you’ll find the impetus to go on, and you’ll grow!
Ask anyone who has ever made a lot of money, and they’ll tell you they didn’t know every step they would take to the top. They only knew they would reach the top. And they kept acting on their ideas and perfecting them.
Failures on the path to success are inevitable, but that’s what teaches you and makes you stronger.
Before you know it, you’ll be smiling all the way to the bank!
Hey, don’t succeed alone, remember to share this information with friends.
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- Jen Sincero
- Publisher: Viking
- Terry Pratchett
- HarperCollins e-books
- Kindle Edition
- Harpercollins Christian Pub
- Crystal Paine
- Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Last update on 2020-03-19 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
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