BLOG postings: (link to Achieving Success BLOG for all posts and PDF downloads)
Discipline to Success:
The Physical Temperance Attribute
We are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of Nature has placed in our power . . . The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.
Patrick Henry
continuation from BLOG post: part VIII.c
Physical Temperance:
Moderation or self-restraint in action, thought, or feeling. Habitual moderation in the indulgence of the physical appetites or passions; not excessive in degree.
The physical temperance is the control of physical appetites and passions. We can segment the physical temperance attribute into two areas:
In our last posting, we outlined a 7-step plan for building your physical temperance discipline. The plan called for a 2-week development. So use this next week to continuing developing your plan.
Below is a summary of the 7-step plan:
Take a sheet of paper and form two columns with the following headings: Undesirable Physical Habits and Physical Indulgences. List under each heading any habits and indulgences that you would like to control and/or eliminate.
Select a habit or physical indulgence that you would like to control. Select just one habit or indulgence to work on at this time. Select a habit or indulgence that is isn’t too difficult; e.g., like reducing television viewing time to 30 minutes each day. This will help build the inner strength that can be used later to control more difficult habits and indulgences.
Research outside materials to review methods that you can use to achieve your physical temperance goal. Medical books, for example, may suggest some ways to overcome a habit or indulgence. You may want to consider medical or counseling advice from outside institutions, if necessary.
List your physical temperance goal on Weekly Goal Planning Sheet as illustrated here using Appendix Form-L. If you prefer, you can use the Character Attribute Development sheet from Appendix Form-E.
Note that you will continue to strengthen your physical development goal from the last chapter. You may want to increase the intensity of the physical goal — like jogging an additional 15 minutes per day — but do not change the goal. You will develop and strengthen the physical and physical temperance goals simultaneously for the next two weeks.
Develop and strengthen both your physical and physical temperance goals for the next two weeks. Record your daily progress using your day planner or electronic handheld. Or you may use Appendix Form-E to record your progress.
Some habits and passions may be difficult to control for a full day, particularly if it is a subconscious habit or addiction. Old habits will be hard to break and may take some time to control and change. If you made a serious attempt to control your physical habits or passions, check the box indicating completion.
Bookmark this page and return next week to complete the next step.
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