Tips and Ideas: How to Get More Things Done in Less Time

Tips and Ideas: How to Get More Things Done in Less Time
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    If you are like most people, you most likely put up more hours when you have a lot to do in a day. Yet at the end of the day, you still have items to tick off your to-do list and still feel unaccomplished.


On the other hand, you’ve probably seen people who come into the office for a few hours and manage to do a lot in that limited time.

So, what do they do differently?

Well, putting in more hours doesn’t necessarily translate to accomplishing more work. The individuals who get more done in less time understand the strategy of working smarter as opposed to working harder.

They adopt creative ways that not only help them get more done but be efficient as well. Here are some of such tips and ideas.

1. Use efficient tools

As the saying goes, you are as good as the tools that you use in your work. Having the right tools for your work will help you be efficient and expedite operations to complete work in less time with minimal energy.

Assess your business processes carefully to identify the areas that can be improved using the latest tools and apps. For instance, if you frequently share documents with your colleagues and clients, think of a tool that allows you to convert Word to PDF easily and faster.

In fact, converting Word to PDF is also a time saver in itself. PDF documents can be secured by encryption or password and can’t be altered. They are also less vulnerable to viruses as compared to word documents.

This means that they reach the recipient in the right format, eliminating the need to keep editing and resending. In addition, you can combine several word documents into a single PDF file. This saves you time since you send a single file rather than several.

2. Make use of the Parkinson’s Law

Even if you haven’t heard of Parkinson’s Law, you have most likely experienced it in your work. This law states that work expands to fill the time slotted for its completion.

This means that if you allocate four hours to complete a two hours job, your mind will perceive the task as difficult enough to deserve the time allocated.

However, the truth is that you will have enough time in between that you will unconsciously waste through procrastination and allowing irrelevant distractions. In addition, if you have too much time to complete a task, you will not feel the pressure to hurry it up.

When creating deadlines, try to make them shorter. You will realize that when you have limited time to complete a task, you will find creative ways to ensure that you complete it in time. You will have no room to procrastinate or entertain distractions.

3. Allocate time for small tasks

A day can have many distractions that end up wasting a significant amount of time for you. At times it can be hard to realize it since some of these distractions come in the form of necessary tasks that you need to attend to in a day.

For instance, answering phone calls and emails are tasks that you need to do. However, they are less important as compared to other major projects.

If you keep switching from important tasks to attend to these small tasks, you manage to distort your workflow and focus. And, once your focus takes a different direction, getting it back to the project you were handling can be quite a task and a waste of time.

Rather than switching to such tasks after a while throughout the day, it would help to create time and batch produce them at a go. For instance, you can allocate one hour before you leave the office or early in the morning to return calls and answer emails.

Knowing that you have time to handle the small tasks will eliminate the need to keep peeping at your phone or inbox, letting you focus fully on important tasks to have them completed in good time.

4. Get enough rest

If you have ever tried working when you are tired and exhausted, you might have realized that you work slowly, you are less motivated and you get easily distracted. Work that needs a few hours to complete can easily end up taking several days.

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Sometimes it may seem impractical to take a rest when you have so much to do. However, thinking of the above, you are better off taking a day to rest and come back energized and focused than keep working for days tired.

If you can’t afford a day, find other ways to rest. For instance, ensure that you clock off your day in time and ensure that you get enough sleep at night. You can also take breaks in between your day to refresh and rejuvenate your mind.


Getting more work done in less time makes you feel more accomplished at the end of the day. You find that you enjoy your work and are more motivated to take up another day of work.

In addition, constantly producing quality work helps you get ahead in your career much easier. The above tips give you an idea of where to start making changes in your routine to achieve more in less time.

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