A Success Building BLOG (part III.a)

A Success Building BLOG (part III.a)


continuation: (link to Achieving Success BLOG for all parts)

The Justwyn Model

for Planning, Discipline, and Execution

“Nobody has ever expected me to be President.”
Abraham Lincoln

Hope and motivation. Two very important forces that will help you achieve success. Hope is the willpower that starts your engine. Motivation is the willpower that keeps your engine going. Before you can put the PDE model in motion, you will need hope to get the model going. Motivation then becomes the energy to keep the model running.

Look at Abraham Lincoln for example, who used hope and motivation to become one of our greatest U.S. Presidents. He began his road to success with “hope” for greater things other than a simple prairie life. Hope became the driving force that prompted Lincoln to read, to engage in intellectual pursuits, to enter into political debates with some of the greatest statesmen of the time, etc. His efforts brought noticeable changes that motivated Lincoln to continue his work. These two forces — hope and motivation — work together to create success.

A by-product of hope and motivation is self-confidence. You become more self-confident when you recognize positive accomplishments. Lincoln’s actions increased his intelligence, which increased his statesmanship and articulation of facts. Lincoln became more self-confident in his abilities that led to great intellectual debates that won public confidence and his eventual election to the White House.

Hope, motivation, and self-confidence are key psychological forces for success. If you lack hope in yourself, your dreams, or your abilities to achieve, you will lack the power to plan and to begin the work that will achieve your goals. On the opposite end, if you lack motivation and self-confidence, you will lose the power to continue working for your goal.

This brings us to an important question: How do we develop hope, motivation, and self-confidence? The answer become the basis of our discussion in this chapter. You develop hope by first defining your goals and objectives. You will answer the question, “What am I trying to achieve?” Once you do that, your next step is planning the tasks that will achieve your goal. The more strategic thinking that goes into your plan, the more hope that you will gain.

You can increase motivation and self-confidence by overcoming weaknesses that hinder self-fulfillment and achievement. Strengthening your character by building a better “you” increases self-discipline, thus bringing about achievement of your goals and positive changes in your character. These accomplishments increase your motivation and self-confidence.

Planning and self-discipline become the building blocks for hope, motivation, and self-confidence. You can increase hope by writing a detailed plan that achieves your goals. You will become more motivated and self-confident by building and strengthening your character. These concepts outline the steps for achieving success:

Step (1):

Begin by writing a strategic plan that defines the objective, goals, benchmarks, and tasks. This becomes the planning ingredient.

Step (2):

Work to build a better you by overcoming your physical and mental weaknesses. In other words, build and strengthen your discipline — the discipline ingredient.

Step (3):

Execute the tasks from the plan within specified time phases — the execution ingredient.

Next time, I will introduce a model that will help plan your goals and strengthen your character. I call it the Justwyn Model. A short acronym for “Just Win” at the goals that you seek to accomplish.

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Categories: Achieving Success

About Author

Krayton M Davis

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