Tag "foreclosure"
5 Tips to Avoid Foreclosure After You Lost Your Job
Foreclosure is a word most people never want to hear or discuss in their life. That is one of the main reasons why most Americans end up losing their homes if they ever come close to dealing with foreclosure.
Book Review: The 10 Commandments of Money
Top Internet money adviser presents contemporary financial advice. Liz Pulliam Weston, author of Your Credit Score and MSN columnist, has released a new book titled, “The 10 Commandments of Money.” This time around Weston speaks to the consumer who was pummeled by the most recent recession who would, in this case, be nearly every single one of us.
Short Selling May Not Resolve Your Problems
Tweet Consumers seeking to save their homes from foreclosure and the resultant long term hit to their credit ratings will sometimes put their homes on the market and accept a
Double Dip Recession Possible If Housing Slide Persists
Tweet Here’s an unpleasant thought: as the nation gradually pulls away from the worst recession in more than a generation, consumer confidence begins to wane and job creation evaporates. That
What You Should Know About PreForeclosures
Tweet For the homeowner who is behind on house payments, the threat of foreclosure looms large especially as months pass without a payment. In some markets owners may fall behind