To help you achieve the beautiful yard you’ve always dreamed of without breaking the bank, here are a few financially savvy ways to renovate your yard and lawn.
Start Small
The great thing about renovating your yard is that it can be done in stages. For example, you might grade and sod your lawn one year, then add new gardens the next year, and so on until you achieve the look you’re after. It’s important, then, to plan this final look in advance to make sure you focus on the foundational elements first. This ensures that you won’t have to undo the progress you’ve made to install new elements in the future.
Think Sustainable
Once your new yard is in place, there will still be costs associated with maintaining it. To help keep these costs low, it’s important to choose vegetation that is easy and inexpensive to maintain.
This is especially true when it comes to grass, as keeping your lawn green can take quite a lot of water if you choose the wrong varieties of grass. To help you choose the correct varieties, a grass contractor can be consulted to help you choose and install what’s best for your local area.
Work with What You Have
Although all-new plants and accessories will certainly create a breathtaking look in your yard, there is great value in re-using what you already have.
Though not every element will be able to be re-purposed due to age or style, you can certainly make some elements work, which can save you quite a bit of money.
If you’re creative, you can re-use existing elements in order to create entirely new arrangements that hide the fact that you used existing materials.
Buy Small
Though it can be tempting to incorporate full-size plants in your design to give it that “finished” look, buying small plants that are still growing can save you a bundle of money. As long as you place your plants in rich soil and tend to them properly, most plants will be at an ideal size within one or two seasons. In the meantime, you can sit back and enjoy the view of all the money you saved.
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No matter how you choose to save money as you renovate your yard, the best tip is to do as much of the work yourself as you can. Of course, there will be some elements that will likely require the assistance of a professional. With enough time and effort, though, you can typically accomplish most tasks related to lawn renovation. So, roll up your sleeves, set aside a few weekends, and get ready to totally transform your outdoor world.
Image Credit: Pixabay
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