Why You’re Still Broke This Far Into the Recovery

Why You’re Still Broke This Far Into the Recovery
  • Opening Intro -

    Ah, recovery. At least that is the term some political folks and financial analysts are using to describe the economy, some two years after the “Great Recession” was supposed to have ended.

    I know what you’re thinking: for a recovery, my financial picture is anything but rosy.


Today’s challenges are tomorrow’s opportunities.

That’s true too, and it may not get better for several more years, a grim prospect for many older Americans with not too many working years left in them.

Finding Answers

Today, it all about solving problems: making lemonade out of life’s lemons. A trite saying for some, but as our elders told us you can make a way even when things are tough. Most importantly — you must. Failure to move forward means you’ll be sucked into the vortex that has consumed millions of Americans, people who have given up and are resigned to their fate. Pretty grim, huh?

Moving forward, you must reassess your life and your goals, and be prepared to make changes whether that means a physical relocation, a career change or an adjustment in your retirement expectations.

Embracing Solutions

Today’s unemployed 50-something worker can easily become tomorrow’s freelancer, consultant, small business owner or business partner. This is a move you must decide to take, without waiting for change to happen. The federal government doesn’t have your interests in mine — politicians are spending more than they are taking in, contributing to your economic angst.

Big business isn’t interested in helping either — board members are busy placating shareholders and stockpiling cash. You can’t blame them — Washington isn’t being clear about anything including taxation, health insurance and a long range planning.

Accomplishing Something

Small business, the backbone of the country, is where you want to look for your next opportunity. Not that many small businesses are hiring, but some are looking for assistance and will take you on as a consultant, a temporary worker or as a contractor. And that’s how it is today: you work for several parties and between these you grind out a living. Not a perfect or ideal way to work, but a way millions of Americans have learned to handle life. Like right now.

Some people never take the first step, worried about problems down the road that may impact them. Or not. Things like health insurance coverage. Retirement plans. Raises, promotions and rewards. Those reasons are valid, but they’re also an excuse: you can’t make money if you sit back and worry. You can make money if you take action.

This article wasn’t intended to be a pep talk, but it turned out to be one. It is easy to blame others for your current condition, but you can just as easily take a look at yourself and decide that from this point on your middle name is now “success.”


Small Business Administration: Home

National Association of Certified Business Brokers: Home 

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Categories: Achieving Success

About Author

Matthew C. Keegan

Matt Keegan is a freelance writer and editor as well as publisher of "Matt's Musings", his personal blog. Matt covers campus, consumer, business and financial topics on various websites and blogs, and has been published in the "Houston Chronicle", "Sam's Club Magazine" and "Wisconsin Golfer".