A Success Building BLOG (part II.a)

A Success Building BLOG (part II.a)


(link to Achieving Success Category for all postings in this category)

How to Become . . . Say . . .

The President of the United States

The beginning is the most important part of work. PLATO

Goals. We all have them. Some of us pursue grand goals. Others are satisfied with goals that are modest. Whatever their scope may be, goals are aspirations that help us achieve a measurement of value and satisfaction.

Goals materialize in our dreams. They become our aspirations of becoming someone we are not, obtaining something we don’t have, or reaching a level where we never been before. Whether we aspire to become a super athlete, scholar, musician, doctor — or even the President of the United States — goals are the blueprints of our dreams and desires.

The evolution of a goal begins with a ‘wish’ for something. We then visualize a plan detailing the tasks needed to achieve our goal. We next discipline ourselves to execute the tasks outlined in our plan. And finally, after consistent effort, we attain our goal —or we replace it with another goal. The process often begins again with a renewed goal and higher aspiration. In generic terms, the life-cycle of a goal can be described as follows: we dream . . . we plan . . . we conquer . . . we reap the reward.

Unfortunately, goals are not instinctive in man. Nasty, unpredictable ‘impediments’ often impede our paths to success. These little monsters include:

  • poor planning,
  • hopelessness,
  • physical and mental weakness,
  • lack of confidence,
  • substance abuse,
  • shyness,
  • illiteracy,
  • and many other recognizable and unrecognizable weaknesses that characterize our individuality.

It’s easy to dream a goal. But it is impossible to achieve that goal if we fail to temper our character impediments. Most everyone is afflicted with the impediment syndrome. This is nothing unnatural — we are all born with weaknesses. When we seek to change our character, or modify the many characteristics that define our individual makeup, we often lack the discipline and strength to overcome the behavior that dictates who we are.

Our environment plays an influential role in defining our character. We develop nearly four-fifths of our personality and behavioral characteristics during our first few years. Our interaction with our environment shapes and defines who we are and what we can expect to become in the future. When we attempt to break out of this mold later in life — say, for example, with a goal to overcome shyness — we are reshaping a mold that has been hardened with each successive birthday.

goal setting

The Plan to Overcome Your Weaknesses

To reach a goal, you need a plan. You’ll have to break down your overall goal into pieces that you can accomplish one at a time. Before I illustrate how, let’s define some terminology that will be used throughout this blog.

The Objective:

Defined as the main goal, or value, that you are trying to accomplish. In our upcoming illustration, the objective is to become the world-record holder in the long jump.


Hierarchical levels of achievements (or steps) that will accomplish the objective. Goals support the objective and may change if a goal no longer achieves the objective.


Benchmarks are sub-goals, or levels of achievements, that will achieve a respective goal. Benchmarks support the goal and may change if a benchmark fails to achieve a goal.


An assigned plan of action that will achieve the benchmark.

The hierarchical order begins with the objective — followed by the goals that will achieve the objective — followed by the benchmarks (sub-goals) that will achieve a goal — and then followed by the tasks that achieve the individual benchmark.

Next Time: we will discuss setting up a goal plan

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end of post idea for home improvement


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Categories: Achieving Success

About Author

Krayton M Davis

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