Tag "thermostat"
Home Tips
How to Prepare Your Home For Winter
Tweet The first snows of the season have been falling across much of the upper tier of the country, signaling that a long winter is on its way. Even in
Consumer Tips
Looking for an ENERGY STAR space heater? Give up now…
Tweet By Jeff McIntire-Strasburg Seen the forecasts for heating fuels prices? Yep, they’re going up again… so you may be looking into cheaper, more efficient ways to heat your home
Home Tips
6 Timely Home Winterizing Tips
Tweet With summer coming to an end, thoughts of winter are hardly being entertained as leaves begin to change, apples ripen and pumpkins are ready for the picking. Yet, by
Consumer Tips
7 Energy Saving Tips for the Hottest Days of Summer
Tweet The hottest days of summer have hit and, as expected, we have experienced multiple heat waves so far this year. My last electric bill was the highest I’ve seen