Pressure To Act Quickly
Legitimate cash buyers will give you time to explore your options and make an educated decision. If the buyer pressures you to act quickly or sign documents without giving you a chance to review them, it’s a warning sign that a cash offer for your home is a scam.
Unsolicited Offers
Scammers may offer to purchase your home without you ever advertising the property for sale. They may even place an offer without driving by your home to look at it. Be wary of aggressive unsolicited offers, including repeated mailings that shout, “We’ll buy your house for cash!”
If a prospective buyer makes an unsolicited offer, ask them what interests them about your home in particular. If they can’t provide any details, cease contact with them.
Spring decorations will boost your home’s curb appeal, and they might also dissuade scam artists. Scammers look for distressed homes that clearly need work. This is because the home’s lack of curb appeal indicates that the occupants may be going through financial hardship. You can deflect unsolicited offers by keeping your home and yard as neat and tidy as you can.
Payment in Advance
Never accept payment before closing. Legitimate cash buyers will never ask you to accept payment in advance or use a wire transfer service. This is an easy way for scammers to move money quickly and anonymously.
Vague or Overwhelming Documentation
Scammers may offer documents that are vague, incomplete, or contain errors, so make sure you review them thoroughly.
Another red flag is a buyer who sends you all kinds of financial documentation when you haven’t asked for it yet. If you receive all kinds of personal or financial information that you’d never share with a stranger, your “buyer” is probably a scammer, and the documents are probably bogus.
Equity Skimming
In this scam, the buyer promises to buy the house and sell it back to the financially distressed homeowner at a later time. But instead, the scammer puts the title in their name, takes all the equity out of the house, and keeps the cash. This leaves the former homeowner in an even more desperate situation, with no equity in their home to help them out of tough financial times. The buyer might even evict the seller, leaving the former homeowner with no money and nowhere to live.
By keeping an eye out for these warning signs of a home-buying scam, you can protect yourself from financial hardship or losing your home altogether in a real estate scam. Enlist the help of a licensed real estate agent or attorney to ensure any deal you’re considering is legitimate.
Image Credit: Adobe stock royalty-free image #291631908
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