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Tax Tips

How Charitable Donations Reduce Your Tax Burden

Tweet Charitable donations made to your church, synagogue, mosque or other religious group as well as to the Red Cross, the American Cancer Society and to Goodwill can be declared

Tax Tips

3 Tips for Reducing Your Taxes

Tweet Add these taxes up and you may be spending far more that what you imagine for government services. You can reduce your overall tax burden by employing one or

Consumer Financing

How to Obtain a Personal Loan

Tweet Certainly, your bank may want to know what the funds will be used for as one condition for receiving credit, but you can typically find a lender that will

College Planning

Off to Campus: What to Bring

Tweet Essential items include your personal identification and college admittance information, and perhaps details about your financial aid and other assistance. Beyond the legal documents, the following personal items should

Consumer Financing

What You Need to Know About Renter’s Insurance

Tweet Your landlord may have insurance on the dwelling, but that coverage usually does not extend to your personal items, what you need to insure on your own. Insurance companies

The Game of Life

How to Spend the Thanksgiving Holiday

Tweet If you’re looking for some ideas on how to spend your Thanksgiving holiday, then please read on. 1. Host a meal. Most people will spend Thanksgiving with family. If

Consumer Tips

7 Expenses to Cut Immediately

Tweet Making more money is, of course, the ideal and an ongoing goal. Cutting your expenses is something that you can do immediately, by attending to the following seven items.

Money Management

5 Awesome Finance Apps You Should Download

Tweet If you are one of those many people who are having a hard time tracking your money matters, you may want to check out the following apps. Quicken Personal

Consumer Financing

How to Fix Your Defaulted Car Loan

Tweet A loan that is in default status can lead to a vehicle repossession within 90 to 120 days. You can fix your defaulted car loan by taking the following

Credit Cards

How to Make Your Credit Cards Work for You to Save Money

Tweet Before you know it, you have maxed out your credit limit and can’t afford to pay back even the minimum payments on all your cards. Smart use of credit

Consumer Tips

How to Save Money on Thanksgiving

Tweet Each of us has much to be thankful for, and this year many of us will spend the day showing gratitude for our families and friends over a holiday

Business Services Career Planning

The Quick and Dirty Guide to Launching Your New Blog

Tweet Are you preparing to launch a new blog? Perhaps you have been putting this task off, expecting that it will take the better part of the day to get

Money Management

12 Sensible and Fun Money-Saving Tips

Tweet Trying to save money is a drag, isn’t it? Well, it is a necessary matter for most Americans, who are feeling the squeeze from stagnant incomes, falling home values


Striking out on Your Own: Life After Living with Mom and Dad

Tweet Moving from the nest is no easy feat considering the harsh economic terrain. Recession-stricken young adults are often “last hired, first fired” in the words of Zhenchao Qian, Ohio

Consumer Tips

How to Prepare for a Major Disaster

Tweet Following Hurricane Sandy and any major catastrophe that has hit the American populace, homeowners may quite suddenly become aware that their preparation for a major weather event can use