5 Easy and Legit Ways to Make Money Through Info Niche Websites

5 Easy and Legit Ways to Make Money Through Info Niche Websites
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    Does the idea of getting continuous income from websites sound good to you?

    Well, that’s exactly what info website are all about.

    Let’s take a closer look at this method of earning income online.


The concept is quite simple. Do some research, then find some tight niches that are not well serviced at the moment, build an info website targeting that particular niche, stick some AdSense, Chitika and other advertising programs up and then let it sit there as you earn a few dollars on a day-to-day basis.

Even though there are many how-to make cash online “schemes” out there, this comprehensive guide is for people who don’t necessarily wish to make a quick buck, but they want to create quality info websites that can generate a steady income without a lot of maintenance.

Here are 9 ways to make online money with websites:

1. Cost-Per-Click Ads

Cost-Per-Click advertising (commonly known as CPC) is still relevant in 2017. CPC normally works by displaying advertisements on your site, and when visitors click on one of the ads, your website will generate revenue. Google AdSense still remains a viable choice even though Infolinks could be a much better alternative (although you can use Infolinks and AdSense side-by-side so as to see what will work best for you).

First of all, the Infolinks work by finding the relevant keywords within your content and then displaying ads as you hover over the keywords. This is by far less intrusive as compared to Adsense. Other than the inline advertisements, Infolinks offers a wide range of other options along with a useful self-service buying platform for individuals who wish to boost their internet traffic.

Infolinks advertisements are also loaded so that they don’t affect the loading speeds of your website. Despite being the 3rd biggest ad marketplace, Infolinks tries to aid their publishers in increasing revenue, whereas AdSense appears to save those efforts for their premium users.

2. Email Marketing

This is one of the most effective ways of making money with info websites. Building an email list might make you lots of money, help you in building a solid brand and also help readers to come back to your website, time and time again.

Email marketing might make you a lot of money in different ways, including: direct email promotions, delivering free reports that are monetized and to drive traffic back to your website where you’ll make money using other methods. Gone are the days when it was extremely difficult to find people to subscribe to your site.

3. Fixed-Price Ads

Fixed-price ad is when you decide to set a certain flat fee for all your adverts, a setup which tends to attract the small advertisers with a specific budget. BuySellAds is highly recommended for this thanks to their wide range of important tools that help smaller websites (websites with a maximum of 100,000 impressions) to sell their inventory to the advertisers.

4. Sponsored Content

Sponsored content is normally a good way for monetizing your site without even using your screen for those that would like to keep focus on the web content without having to distract users with ads. Sponsored content should be cohesive with your webpage, as if this content would still remain even if it wasn’t sponsored to be there.

When you keenly observe the eye-tracking studies, it is clear that the traditional ads often tend to get ignored (if they are not blocked by ad-blockers).

Sponsored ads (sometimes known as “advertorials”) can deliver useful, relevant, high-quality contents, and when the relevant content results in high engagement, high engagement results in more value, and ultimately more value results in more revenue. In case you’re searching for modern monetization techniques, ensure that you always consider sponsored content.

Remember to always stay in the disclose sponsorship and ethical clear, at top of the sponsored content before users decide to invest time to read the piece.

5. Subscriptions and Paywalls

Subscription-based content is not anything new. However, as traditional web advertisements start falling out of favor, the paywalled contents can generate higher income when done with integrity and in the right way. It also offers you total control over what appears on your website. Paywalled content basically means online courses, downloadable goodies, and eBooks just to mention but a few.

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Last update on 2020-03-19 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API


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