Many companies are making more resources available to take advantage of the technology. Because now people can stream video through an Internet provider, they can choose to watch what they want, and do not have to pay for a bundle of channels that they may or may not want. With increasingly excellent image quality and start time choice, entities with their own channel will cater to those who don’t want to pay for bundles of unwatched channels.
Streaming movies to your television could keep your television subscription costs down in certain circumstances. You can already stream movies to your television from certain movie companies and cable services. You can even watch television shows via certain sites online. Here are the best ways to get streaming movies and television directly on to your TV instead of having to watch from your computer screen.
AirPlay Mirroring: In addition to the old standbys, Apple came out with a feature that streams 1080p content to your television from your Mac via wireless. The Mac must be running OS X Mountain Lion. Previously, you would have to hook the computer up to the television via an HDMI cable. This application allows you to transmit the same information wirelessly. It will also stream content to stereo systems and speakers that are AirPlay enabled. Games can also be streamed or mirrored with AirPlay, and users can play against other users with Macs, iPhones and iPads.
Game Consoles: Many game consoles allow you to stream movies from certain movie companies right to your television. You can also ask your cable service whether they offer streaming to Xboxes or other gaming consoles. Bundling your cable and your movie service means that you pay a lower subscription price for two functions.
TiVo and Other Consoles: Consoles such as TiVo allow you to steam movies directly to your television, but, as with game consoles, you must also purchase the box and pay for a subscription. Though, like streaming movies through a game console, it is still less expensive than paying for cable and a streaming service — in most cases.
Televisions are now becoming “smart.” Samsung has a Smart TV, as do Apple and Google. Content providers, network operators and service providers will have to give the public what it asks for in order to stay competitive. This includes the ability for users to process, control and broadcast voice and video content over the Internet, via mobile devices and through smart televisions. Content must be real time streaming and should provide custom applications to users. Otherwise, users hoping to save on their cable bills or looking for more freedom of choice will cut out their services entirely.
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- Prime Video, R (Restricted)
- Running time: 106 minutes
- Bruce Willis, Vincent D'Onofrio
Last update on 2020-03-20 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
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