How to Get and Stay Organized

How to Get and Stay Organized
  • Opening Intro -

    After living in one place for several years, you have accumulated more stuff than you ever thought was possible.

    That is a natural progression for homeowners — you buy new items, but you are not as quick to get rid of what you have already owned.


Here is how to get and stay organized, getting rid of that cluttered feeling with it.

Upgrade your closets. You might not be able to get rid of much stuff, but putting everything in its place is important. Take a good look at your closets to determine if they are suitable to house what you need to store. You need ample shelving, hooks, drawers and room to place boxes. If you lack that room consider installing a closet organization system to make better use of small spaces.

File it or copy that. Important papers should be kept in a fireproof box and locked shut. Other paperwork should occupy file cabinets or office desk drawers. You might also consider having important documents scanned and stored on a backup device such as a zip drive. Once copied, you can then shred your paperwork, reducing your clutter instantly.

Attack the junk drawer. Your kitchen junk drawer is the easy spot for dumping documents and other stuff that needs to have its own place. It can quickly fill up and make your life miserable. Empty out your junk drawer and then install a plastic organizer with compartments. Put everything in its place; get rid of what you do not need.

Organize the pantry. Chances are your pantry has some dead room that can be put to good use. For instance, the space below the bottom shelf is an ideal place for holding close-top plastic containers. Consider placing rice, noodles and other dry goods in them. On the back of the pantry door is another area that may not be used. Install open wire shelving to hold cans and other small items. Place items that you will use most often including soup cans, sauces, and condiments.

Under the kitchen sink. Another area of the kitchen that is a disaster for many people is under the kitchen sink. You have a large compartment for storing stuff, but you can never quite keep it organized. Here, you can make use of racks, bars and baskets to organize cleansers, brushes, detergents, sponges and towels. Put it all within easy reach and discard everything that you no longer need.

Manage your chest of drawers. Fold clothes in quarters instead of in halves or thirds and you will have more room in dresser drawers. Another advantage is that you will see everything in its place as you won’t be stacking your clothes. Instead, clothing will be arranged like you do your books.

Repurpose shoe hangars. Take an existing shoe hanger or buy a new one and use it to hold toys or kids accessories. Hang it from a wall or the back of a closet or bedroom door for easy access. Place labels on each compartment to ensure that your children put everything back in its place.

Clean up your garage. You still use your garage to house your cars, right? Unfortunately, many Americans have been overcome by stuff and have turned their garages into storage rooms. You can make use of dead space at the top of garage for installing racks. They do not interfere with your garage door and can be lowered for easy access. Use storage bins to store your stuff.

Invest in a shelf organizer. Even as you put everything in its place, there are always several things that cannot be placed. This is where a shelf organizer with cubbie holes can provide you with the room that you need. Each section can hold a variety of items including videos, CDs, books, magazines, notebooks and more. Create the ideal organizing area where everything is in full view, but is still in its place.

Get Organized

Of course, the best way to cut down on clutter is to get rid of the excess. Holding a yard sale is one option. Donating items to a local thrift shop can also make a difference. Start getting organized today and you will quickly tame the clutter monster.

See AlsoSayCampusLife: 7 College Student Organization Tips


end of post idea for home improvement


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Categories: Home Tips

About Author

Matthew C. Keegan

Matt Keegan is a freelance writer and editor as well as publisher of "Matt's Musings", his personal blog. Matt covers campus, consumer, business and financial topics on various websites and blogs, and has been published in the "Houston Chronicle", "Sam's Club Magazine" and "Wisconsin Golfer".