You can surprise Mom by going beyond the expected, by delivering to her several surprises to show her that you care.
Make it a weekend away. Why celebrate for just one day when you can give her a weekend of fun with the family? Dads will need to pitch in here to take the load off of Mom, perhaps helping to pack the kids’ stuff and finding a sitter for the family pet. Locate a hotel that serves breakfast and also has an on-site spa. While Dad is keeping the kids busy, Mom can get a facial and have her nails done. She can also sleep in on Sunday while Dad is getting breakfast for the kids. This last option may be ideal for families with small children where Mom might relish short breaks while still having time with her children.
Look beyond flowers. You’ve given your wife or mother flowers for years. Is it time to take a different approach horticulturally? If so, planting a tree in honor of her can be a beautiful reminder of the family’s enduring love for her. Consider a flowering tree such as a dogwood, one that blooms before Mother’s Day and provides shade throughout the summer before finishing the fall in a blaze of glory.
Give her a girl’s night or day out. Perhaps what Mom wants most is a day or evening out with her friends. Maybe not on Mother’s Day, but certainly on a day before May comes to an end. Collaborate with other husbands to have their wives go out too, perhaps by attending a woman’s conference, enjoying a day at the spa, or taking in a sporting event.
Put together a photo montage. Sift through the family photo albums and smartphone to obtain pictures of your children at various stages of their lives. A baby photo, a first day of school picture and other milestones can be included. Buy a framed photo montage and insert each picture. Include a current one with Mom and the children together. She’ll love this idea and will have you hang it on a favorite spot.
Obtain an autographed copy. Your wife or mother may have a favorite author or band, regularly buying the latest book or music CD. Surprise her by getting the latest copy with the author’s signature on it or the band members and their signatures with it.
Take a stroll down memory lane. Mom has certain memories of enjoyable events or places she visited at some point in her life. Recreate that moment by revisiting a favorite park, hotel, restaurant or resort. Or, if the cost is too much, take your vacation photos and copy them to a CD or DVD. Add in her favorite song as background music.
Send her to class. If your wife or mother is a do-it-yourselfer, she can relate to this last suggestion: send her to a home improvement workshop. Home improvement stores offer classes including some held right on Mother’s Day. Consider signing her up for a “Do-it-Herself” workshop at Home Depot such as, “How to Build a Herb Tower Container Garden.” Classes are free, but you’ll pay for her supplies.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Give Mom a Mother’s Day she won’t soon forget. She’ll be pleased that you and the children went beyond the expected to deliver a memorable, fun-filled day.
See Also — Mother’s Day Promotional Ideas
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