5 Fun Facts You Should Know About Saint Valentine

5 Fun Facts You Should Know About Saint Valentine
  • Opening Intro -

    Anyone who has grown up handing out little valentines with pieces of candy taped to them knows that Valentine’s Day is a fun holiday.


Most of us also know that the holiday’s name came from someone named St. Valentine. However, few people outside of the Catholic church know anything about this historical figure beyond his namesake. We’ve compiled five fun facts you should know about Saint Valentine so you can better appreciate this person and this day.

Valentine Was a Popular Name

There are accounts of various St. Valentines from what is now Italy, as well as Africa. The reason for these varying accounts isn’t because the St. Valentine we know could teleport or time travel.

Rather, Valentine, or Valentinus, was a popular name during the early centuries AD because it meant “healthy” and “strong.” Since several prominent Christians had the name Valentine and potentially performed saintly acts, we now have spread-out accounts of St. Valentine figures.

Saint Valentine Performed Secret Weddings

Most likely, the Saint Valentine who eventually gave us Valentine’s Day was a Catholic priest that government officials martyred in Rome. The Roman emperor at the time, Claudius II, believed that single men made excellent soldiers. Consequently, he forbade his soldiers from marrying. However, Saint Valentine defied him. He transformed into a secret wedding planner for soldiers and their sweethearts so he could wed many couples. This act fueled Emperor Claudius’s anger, and he sentenced Valentine to death.

You Can Visit Saint Valentine’s Skull

While Valentine’s death is sad for anyone who believes in the power of love, his story doesn’t end there. Believers who want to venerate him or tourists interested in his story can visit his skull in the Basilica di Santa Maria in Cosmedin, which is in Rome.

Saint Valentine Is a Busy Patron Saint

Since we think of Valentine’s Day as a holiday about love, many of us expect St. Valentine to be the patron saint of love. While he does watch over engaged couples and help with happy marriages, he is also the patron saint of beekeepers, epileptics, and travelers. His patronage of beekeepers is probably related to his patronage of love, though, as bees are often a symbol of love and fertility.

Valentine’s Day Is a Christian Holiday

People from all walks of life celebrate Valentine’s Day now. However, all this association with a Christian saint who was probably a Catholic priest or bishop is a reason why Valentine’s Day is a Christian holiday. Secular people or people of other faiths can respectfully acknowledge St. Valentine while continuing their own celebrations, but Christians can strive to tie this holiday back to its Christians roots.

Now that you know these five fun facts about Saint Valentine, you can better respect this holiday and its history. Consider honoring other Christian martyrs, attending mass, or praying a St. Valentine novena to connect with the Christian origins of this holiday. If you don’t feel comfortable doing so, focus on encouraging the married and engaged couples you know.

Image Credit: Image By: zatletic

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