What you can do is identify your business’ strengths and go after those employees that are the best fit for your company.
Identify Your Strengths
Every company has strengths and weaknesses. Your goal is to identify those strengths and make these known to every prospective employee. Keep in mind that a strong point for your company might be perceived as a weakness elsewhere, especially if your company is new, small and in need of financial backing.
Those weaknesses are a strength for some prospects, especially people that value working for an upstart company or prefer to work closely with its principles. Do not focus on what you are not; rather, identify what your business is and what you have to offer your recruits.
Emphasize Your Uniqueness
Just as some employees are happy to work for a Fortune 500 company and bring home a large and steady paycheck, others employees prefer the excitement of an emerging business even if their paycheck is much smaller and the long-term certainty of the business is questionable.
Large corporations such as Google, Microsoft, Sun Microsystems and Facebook started off small, providing the right incubation for one or more business ideas. The talent each of these now large companies initially employed were driven by a vision with no clear remuneration path evident, at least initially. Later, as each company went public and the talent cashed in their stock, these individuals left and went on to start new companies. Your unique place in the business world may attract the risk-taking innovators that place a value on job satisfaction over compensation.
Network With Abandon
Hiring a recruiter may be out of the question for your business. The cost alone can be prohibitive. That means your business must reach out to prospects in a variety of ways, with an eye toward minimizing your recruitment costs.
You can start by featuring a website that is informative, interesting and persuasive. You can also reach people where they’re at: on social media including Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Google Plus. Attending conferences, industry events and other venues where job prospects network can help too. Do not rule out college placement offices as an intern may work out to become that individual you can hire after graduation.
Promote the Package
You will need to promote each job opportunity as well as you promote your company. You already know what you can afford to pay and the benefits you will offer.
Beyond the compensation package, you may need to offer something that other companies are loathe to provide such as the ability to work from home, flexible hours or even job-sharing. The latter might be especially appealing for people that want to work but do not want to be tethered to a career, at least at this stage in their lives. Mothers raising young families and retirees are examples that come to mind.
Recruitment Considerations
In all, although your business is small, it can also make adjustments faster. That lack of bureaucracy appeals to some workers too, people that are self-motivated and need very little direction to get the job done.
See Also — Novars Group: Business Selling Tips: Financing
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