When To Consider Turning a Side Hustle Into a Full-Time Job

When To Consider Turning a Side Hustle Into a Full-Time Job
  • Opening Intro -

    It’s not uncommon for people to feel like they don’t make enough money from their primary job.

    While this isn’t something the workforce should simply accept, we still need to find a way to pay the bills.


This feeling of monetary lack has led many to search for a side hustle or two that can supplement their income.

However, a side hustle can become highly successful sometimes. When that happens, you must decide if it’s time to turn your side hustle into a full-time job. If you think you might be at that point with yours, here are some considerations to consider before making that decision.

How Much You’re Making From It

Before you consider anything else, you first need to determine how much money the side hustle makes for you. In most cases, it’ll be a good amount but not enough to fully support your household. However, some projects can actually turn out to be more profitable than your primary occupation. Either way, you shouldn’t give up the idea or switch immediately. You’ll want to consider a few other things first.

What the Potential Growth Is

Just because you’re not making enough to support yourself with your side hustle doesn’t mean you shouldn’t switch to it full-time. A common issue many projects like these have is simply a lack of commitment.

While this isn’t your fault due to having another job, committing to your side hustle full-time should increase your profits significantly. If there’s been an upward trend in sales, the additional time you’ll dedicate to your side hustle should skyrocket once you switch over.

How Long You’ve Been Doing It

One important thing to remember is that you should never make a decision like this quickly. Sometimes, a person running a side hustle will immediately see big profits and switch gears, only to find out that the business isn’t sustainable full-time. You need to work it on the side long enough to see if the project can last long-term. Only after you feel secure about the switch should you make the change to full-time.

How Much Time It Takes

One bad thing about side hustles is that they can slowly take up more and more of your free time. For example, if you have an ice vending business that keeps expanding, you’ll eventually reach the point where you’ll have to dedicate more time to it. Sometimes, you might have to figure out if you should hire an employee for your ice vending business, but in others, you might need to dedicate your time to it.

Of course, this can apply to any side hustle. Successful ventures will naturally grow, and if you spend more time each day working on your side hustle, it might be time to switch.

What Your Options Are If It Fails

Most importantly, before considering your side hustle over your full-time job, you need to think about what you’ll do if it fails. Having a backup plan is essential before making such a life-changing decision, even if that’s returning to your old job. If you have no backup options, it might not be time to make the change.

Image Credit: 284813549 Busy young elegant woman in eyeglasses looking at laptop display
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