Personal Finance Tips From A Broke Guy (That You Need to Hear) – Part 2/2

Personal Finance Tips From A Broke Guy (That You Need to Hear) – Part 2/2
  • Opening Intro -

    The title says it all: I'm no millionaire. I am in fact broke. (Technically not but I've been close.)

    Your first instinct might be to say: why should I listen to this guy? That's the wrong approach to take.


Continued from Part 1 here:

Tip #3: Save!

Save! Save everything you can! There are going to be months where, like me, you will have earned more than usual. And you’re going to look at that money and say–I know exactly what to do with this! I’m going to the club and blow it all up on strip–no! Absolutely not!

You’re instead going to save! Put the money in an emergency fund. Or in a certificate of deposit. Or a money market fund. Believe it or not: the world offers you as much opportunity to save as to spend money. Everyone wants your money, period. Know where to put money where it will grow and where you will see it again.

Tip #4: Research

Wondering what a money market fund is? Look it up! Information means everything today. As a near broke guy, I was worried everyday and wondered how I would fix my finances. Then I realized that all I had to do was research. The info was free and at my fingertips! Here are some sites to get you started:

  • This reddit page on personal finance:
  • I found this handy flowchart on the same page. Print it out and stick it on your fridge:
  • Investopedia has some very handy tips for those of you who are young and broke (like me):

I am barely skimming the surface here and I have so much info. Don’t stop with reading what I have written here. Go further!

Tip #5: Ask for help and give help

Pretty much all the great religions and philosophies say the same thing. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help, and don’t be stingy to give it. As a broke guy, I wouldn’t be alive right now if not for my support system. I took help from family, friends, mentors, even random strangers (try GoFundMe).

I was not ashamed of being broke and I sought advice, moral support, favors, money–you name it. Ask for help!

And remember to give help freely, no matter what you’re going through. Seriously, you never know when the help you give pays off. Every bit counts.

So these are my few tips on personal finance as a broke guy. Please share this article on Facebook, Twitter etc. Perhaps you know someone who is young and in a poor financial situation like I am. They need to know, they deserve to know they are not alone. Make a world of difference in their life and share this with them. It would also make me happy knowing my writing is helping someone who’s in my shoes!


end of post idea for home improvement


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