When we blame others, we are under a strange spell that makes us believe that someone else should do something for us in order to fix whatever challenges we are facing. This is equivalent to blaming a teacher for failing you in an exam that you did not study for.
It is your fault that you failed. It is as a result of your own actions. You choose the outcome.
The same principles apply to your money. It is not the government’s fault. It is not the employer’s fault nor the bank’s fault. It is your own fault. Whatever you like or do not like about your finances is squarely on you because you participated actively in the whole process.
For many, this is a bitter pill to swallow, especially the first time. However, every time you get tempted to blame someone else for your situation, keep telling yourself it is your own fault. What I am trying to tell you, or rather ask you, is for how long are you going to be held hostage by your perception of what others should or should not do?
When you truly accept it is your fault, you are taking responsibility. This is self-empowerment because you start to really understand that it is only you who can actually do something about it.
What can you do?
First and foremost you cannot do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. This is what I call madness.
You take control of your earning power when you take responsibility of your performance. What are you going to achieve at work to justify earning more? You see, many people do not like looking at it this way because they have to play a part in doing the work. I mean whom did you expect to play your part for you?
You have debts that constantly drown you in an ocean of thoughts and you don’t know how to get out. First of all, you need to accept the fact that no one put a gun to your head and told you to borrow. You are not the victim here. You are where you are because you choose to be there. You choose the actions that land you in ugly situations, but then again you can get out if you choose a different path and make a different choice.
Be willing to cut down on your lifestyle expenditure to get rid of this debt. For example, paying monthly subscriptions for cable TV.
You could have items that you can sell off to clear these debts.
Also, what are you doing with your free time? Your hobby could turn into a money making machine. These are all lifelines at your disposal to keep you from drowning in the ocean of debt.
You don’t have enough money to invest. You don’t know where to invest.
I’d like you to keep this in mind. There is no amount too little to invest. Not starting with what you have is simply an excuse to delay investing and staying in your comfort zone. That money you were planning on spending on entertainment this weekend, save it and invest it.
You don’t know where to invest because you have not taken time to understand investments. Instead of spending all your time watching TV do some research. Take a course on investments. Spend time with someone who has done the kind of investments you aspire to do and learn from them. Work with professionals in the relevant areas.
So stop playing the blame game. That will not magically achieve your goals. True power lies in accepting responsibility. Understand that it is your fault and empower yourself and engage others in this wonderful article to now make different choices. Remember you choose who you want to be.
- Enodare
- Publisher: Enodare Limited
- Edition no. 2 (04/25/2017)
- Jesse Mecham
- HarperAudio
- Audible Audiobook
- Personal finance software for tracking your money, bank accounts and spending in one place
- Monitor bank account balances and categorize purchase transactions
- Easy budgeting tools for creating and following a budget
Last update on 2020-03-19 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
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