The Currency of the Future Starts in Africa – Bitcoins

The Currency of the Future Starts in Africa – Bitcoins
  • Opening Intro -

    Many recent business news point out that bitcoins may be the new currency for most African countries.

    Ever considered walking without money in your pocket?

    Yes you can with bitcoin.


But many people ask what is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a new innovative payment network and a unique kind of money, commonly referred to as crypto-currency or virtual currency. Bitcoins aren’t printed, like euros or dollars, instead are held electronically by the network – digital currency. It has no central authority or banks. No one operates or controls it. They offer new uses that other payment systems can’t manage to offer.

Many world entrepreneurs and capitalists have been observing keenly Africa’s prestige economy and surveying how to shoot and introduce bitcoin. Maybe for starters, launch a a crypto-wallet application that can be installed from the Play Store considering most people now have access to smartphones and are even more acquainted to mobile banking options. Therefore, this will be an added advantage!

Is It Better Thank Banks?

I mean, everybody knows banks are ‘expensive to manage,’ particularly for low-income earners. This will be a new way to save, considering it is affordable.

The prime factor with bitcoin, is that it offers nominal money transfer from one corner of the globe to the other, with the best deal exclusively in Africa. You get to send money in foreign land to Africa for only 3% cut, as compared to other money transfer system like Western Union which cuts 12%. I mean, why wait for 3 or 4 days to bag your cash, when you can receive it in hand in just a couple of minutes?

It is not the first time Africa has seen breaking new money transfer technology. There is M-Pesa, which already operates in Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa, as well as the United Kingdom, India and Afghanistan.

But Will It Get Worldwide Acceptance?

In the end, it all boils down to impressing and convincing the masses to buck the odds in this new money system. Will they accept it? Maybe! Is there any chance or any hope of success? A big yes! But, this can only be achieved if and only if, the right integration is used to advertise the system – A strong marketing strategy.

Anybody can use bitcoins. It is not for a particular class or category of person(s). Though Africa is known for having several legal shells and governmental procedures, bitcoin is certainly set to explode in Africa. It is a ticking time-bomb! Watch this pace, the future currency is here! Spread the word on social media, since bitcoins are a major asset in business development.


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