Weekly Tip Jan 10: Re-Establish Your Credit

<span>Weekly Tip Jan 10:</span> Re-Establish Your Credit
  • Opening Intro -

    If your credit has been shattered by poor credit management, you can restore your credit where you can qualify for best rates and terms.

    ILearn how to repair and rebuid your credit profile.


With all of the holiday spending and past credit crunches, your credit may have taken a beating. Running your credit card to the maximum limit, making applications for consumer financing, and taking on new debt wrecks havoc to your credit score and rating.

So let’s take this year to clean up your credit and raise your credit score. It will pay back dividends when you looking to buy or refinance your home with lower rates and terms.

One key credit improvement strategy is to reduce debt. Start by view our debt management plan for consolidating and paying down debts

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Categories: Weekly Sunday Tips

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Krayton M Davis

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