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Weekly Sunday Tips

Weekly Tip Nov 13: Stock Up On Food?

Recent election and now a new President elect. What does that mean when we are deeply in debt? Many economists predict that with the money being printed out of Washington (from additional stimulus actions) that inflationary spikes are bound to happen.

Weekly Sunday Tips

Weekly Tip Oct 16: More and More Credit Cards ???

Over the past several months you may have noticed that the number of credit card offers peppering your mailbox has dropped. That is because credit card companies have tightened their lending restrictions and in some cases, they are axing customers.

Weekly Sunday Tips

Weekly Tip Sept 18: Credit Card Counseling – Where to Find It

Locating a professional credit repair advisor may be what you need to help fix your deteriorating credit rating.

Weekly Sunday Tips

Weekly Tip Sept 04: New Rights for Credit Card Holders

Tweet New rules designed to protect consumers are being rolled out in steps with full changes taking place in February 2010. What You Should Know Credit card issuers are required

Weekly Sunday Tips

Weekly Tip August 28: Consumer Complaints and How to Get Heard

Tweet Consumer angst has never been higher thanks to a  preponderance of retailers, a tough economy and slack customer service. Though the internet has opened up new fields of buying


Weekly Tip August 14: How to Keep Your Costs Low Following a Serious Car Accident

Tweet Fortunately, there are a number of ways to reduce the possibility of an increase in your insurance premium. In this article, we have curated a list of ways to

Product Reviews Weekly Sunday Tips

Weekly Tip August 07: Some 6 Factors to Consider when Buying Ladies Shoes

Most women if not all women alive go wild over new and beautiful shoes. Shoes not only add confidence but they are also a good indication of a woman’s fashion sense and their style.

Product Reviews

Weekly Tip July 31: The 7 Secrets to Donning the Best South Indian Jewelry

South Indian jewelry is considered the best jewelry and every Indian woman will be found wearing at least one of the golden jewelry in their lifetime. Whether it is worn as gold or with other precious metals, women generally look more stunning with the jewelry pieces.

Weekly Sunday Tips

Weekly Tip July 24: School on the Side: Finance Tips to Keep Your Education Affordable

If you’ve missed the memo, college education costs have risen immensely over the past few decades. To put things into perspective, according to Think Progress, the average cost of an academic year in 2010 is $7,600, which is up by more than three-folds the 1980-figure that was $2,100.

Weekly Sunday Tips

Weekly Tip Feb 21: Money Saving Tips: Auto Insurance

One area that consumers should consider when making any new car purchase is car insurance. You could end up paying thousands of dollars extra over the next five years in elevated insurance premiums.

Weekly Sunday Tips

Weekly Tip Feb 14: What To Do For Valentines?

How about planning some future travel together … over a nice Valentines treat. It doesn’t need to be something expensive. But some place that perfect for the two of you.

Weekly Sunday Tips

Weekly Tip Feb 07: Credit Card Use Decreasing?

Consumer, media and market research firm Mintel recently confirmed what some analysts have been suspecting: America’s love affair with credit cards is on the decline. Instead, consumers are being a lot more careful with their spending, choosing to use a debit card to make many of their purchases.

Weekly Sunday Tips

Weekly Tip Jan 31: High Bank Fees and What to Do …

Banking fees have been climbing at an alarming rate over the years. These days, it is common to learn about a bank charging $36 for one returned check, $25 for a money transfer, $150 for a consumer loan application, and $10 per month for checking.

Weekly Sunday Tips

Weekly Tip Jan 17: Pending Foreclosure? Take Action …

Tweet If you have fallen behind on your mortgage, then you know red flags are popping up everywhere. Sometimes falling behind a mortgage just can’t be avoided. The loss of

Weekly Sunday Tips

Weekly Tip Jan 10: Re-Establish Your Credit

Tweet With all of the holiday spending and past credit crunches, your credit may have taken a beating. Running your credit card to the maximum limit, making applications for consumer