Weekly Tip August 28: Consumer Complaints and How to Get Heard

<span>Weekly Tip August 28:</span> Consumer Complaints and How to Get Heard
  • Opening Intro -

    Have you recently been ripped off?

    Are you unhappy with the service you received while spending your hard earned money with a local or online merchant?


Consumer angst has never been higher thanks to a  preponderance of retailers, a tough economy and slack customer service. Though the internet has opened up new fields of buying and selling, it has also exposed millions of unsuspecting people to scams or just plain bad service.

What You Should Know

There are many ways for consumers to fight back, but contacting the retailer or service provider directly is the first step that you should take. If still unsatisfied, you can take additional steps in order to resolve your dispute. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can get some satisfaction:

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Categories: Weekly Sunday Tips

About Author

Krayton M Davis

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