Fortunately, many things that affect your rates are actually very small. There are five little ways to save big on your auto insurance.
Drive a Little Less Every Week
Spending a large amount of time on the road every year increases the chance that you will eventually get into an accident. The amount that you drive is factored into your insurance premiums. If you are traveling in your car for hours every day, then you are paying more than a person who uses the car only to go to the store on weekends. A small change is to try to drive a little less every week. Small changes like carpooling or walking somewhere nearby instead of driving can reduce your premiums.
Get an Anti-Theft Device
Your insurance company calculates the risk that your car could be stolen or vandalized. Cars that are currently very desirable, that are expensive or that do not have any defenses beyond the door locks cost more to insure. Something simple that you can do is to get an anti-theft device. There are small devices that you can install yourself. Some devices lock the steering wheel in place. Others are hidden tracking transmitters that go under the hood. Anti-theft devices will lower your car insurance rates.
Call and Ask About Discounts
One little thing that you can do is to take 10 minutes and call your insurance company about discounts. Ask if there are any discounts available. Companies like Meyer’s Insurance Ltd provide discounts for people with a good driving record or multiple vehicles on the same policy. You might be able to get a discount because of your professional associations, your age or previous military service.
Pay Premiums In Advance
Auto insurance companies want to be as efficient as possible. This is why you can save money by simply paying your premiums all at once for the next six months to a year. You are removing uncertainty and administrative hassles when you pay up front. You usually get the lowest rates possible for your situation when you do this because it saves the insurer money over time. Just ask to pay your policy all at once to get these discounts.
Change Your Deductible
The final small thing you can do is to change your deductible. This takes little time and nothing but a phone call. If you are not likely to get into an accident or have a very inexpensive car, then raising your deductible can lower your premiums. This is because you will have to pay more upfront before the insurance activates. If you calculate carefully, you can increase your deductible to an acceptable level to lower your rates.
Your auto insurance rates are all based on risk. More risk means higher rates. You should always look at your car, driving patterns and other factors to see exactly what might be making your time on the road more risky. If you can make any small changes to reduce risk, then you might get lower auto insurance rates.
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