Chances are you have switched cell phone carriers multiple times, not simply for seeking a better deal, but better customer service. Read on for insightful tips on how to receive the best costumer service bar none.
Retention Attention
Loyalty pays they say. After all, you will be rewarded with discounts at your renewal anniversary, right? Those discounts, however, cannot make up for shoddy service, something some companies expect you to bear with in exchange for saving yourself some money.
With your cable company, do not expect your loyalty to be rewarded. In fact, once the 12-month introductory special has ended, your cable bill may shoot up by 25 percent or more. It doesn’t have to be that way, nor should it.
Instead, contact your service provider and threaten to leave. If the clerk is slow to comprehend what this means, ask to be transferred to a retention specialist. That individual’s goal is to make you happy and if that means throwing a bone your way, then go fetch. Ask the specialist for the same discounts that new customers get and settle for nothing less. It does not matter that you are no longer “new” to the company: if they want your business, they will respond in kind.
Personalized Solution
There is no one-size-fits-all solution to customer problems, so why do many companies respond that way? Blame it on the customer for not articulating what she wants and how she can be made whole again.
This is where knowledge is truly power. You need to be aware of what the options are even if customer service seems clueless or not particularly enthusiastic about sharing a solution.
For instance, if your airline is dogging you with bagging fees, simply approach a clerk and have these fees waived. If she cannot waive the fee, ask if you can be upgraded to first class at no extra cost. You may still pay the luggage fee, but you will save hundreds of dollars on a top seat and enjoy service that you got at a budget price.
Keep it Civil
One way to ensure that your request for help falls upon deaf ears is to personalize your displeasure by taking your frustration out on customer service. Before making that call or showing up unannounced at the store, consider how you will present your problem and what solution would be acceptable to you.
When you state your problem, avoid attacking anyone. Instead, present a positive point before addressing the problem. You might say, “I have been a happy customer of your store for the past 12 years. So, I was quite surprised when my order was not fulfilled as promised.” You can then reiterate your loyalty to the store and ask for a specific response.
Always let customer service know that you are usually a happy customer, but disappointed by the problem. This problem. Make it known that the store can expect your continued patronage following a satisfactory response to the problem.
Dish it Out
You can melt the resolve of even the most hardened customer service professional by dishing out the praise. Everyone likes to feel good about themselves and a dollop of flattery can change an attitude quickly.
French author François de La Rochefoucauld had it right when he said, “Flattery is a kind of bad money, to which our vanity gives us currency.” You really have little to offer when you flatter someone, but the ears that receive your kind words are more apt to respond in kind. Soften them up by carefully dishing out a dollop of flattery.
Customer Service Considerations
You stand a better chance of enjoying a positive outcome by being polite instead of choosing the rude route. The appropriate use of both humor and charm can help your cause too, by delivering a satisfactory response in this day of less than stellar customer service.
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