If you’re expecting a second or third child, for instance, you may choose to use hand-me-downs from your previous children. If you do, check to make sure any items you plan to reuse are still in good shape. The same goes for any car seats and toys you may wish to use again. Here are some other expenses you may encounter during your pregnancy:
Additional Maternity Clothes
Maternity clothes aren’t necessarily designed to last for the duration of a pregnancy, especially during the final trimester when you’re struggling to keep your belly from being exposed in public. Even if you only buy a handful of maternity clothes in a larger size, you’ll definitely appreciate it during those final months.
Dining Out and Unexpected Cravings
Dining out during pregnancy isn’t necessarily going to be the same experience as dining out without a bun in the oven. Set aside some extra dough to allow for unexpected cravings that may result in ordering an extra dessert or going for the seafood platter rather than the special of the day. The same goes for those extra trips to the grocery store or all-night fast food places. If you were referred to a high risk obstetrician because you were overweight before you got pregnant, you may need to skip on desert or eat a more balanced diet so that you don’t put your baby at risk (Source: Dr. Gilbert Webb).
Extra Comfort Items
Pregnancy sometimes means some unexpected discomforts. Consider getting a pair of wide slippers or shoes to allow for swollen ankles. A few extra pillows can also come in handy for restless nights, sore backs and simply trying to find a comfortable sleeping position. Don’t forget to stock up on extra toilet paper due to increased bladder pressure.
Finally, allow for some added expenses that may not be fully covered by your health insurance during all those regular doctor’s appointments required throughout a pregnancy, especially if you experience complications that require additional testing. Allowing for some extra pregnancy expenses during the course of a pregnancy can give you one or two fewer things to stress about while waiting for your bundle of joy.
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