When was the last time you checked your car insurance policy? Admittedly, I pay scant attention to my renewal notices as they typically go down every six months because my wife and I driver older cars. Still, there will come a time when I will drop collision coverage on one or both vehicles, but that time hasn’t arrived just yet.
By carefully examining your auto insurance policy you may be able to receive the same or better coverage for less. Let’s take a look at ten recommendations offered by Insurance.com, the online auto insurance company located in a Cleveland, Ohio suburb.
10 Tips to Help You Save on Auto Insurance
1. Drive less and earn a discount
If you drive less than 7,500 miles per year, you may qualify for a low-mileage discount on your auto insurance. And, some companies offer a commuter discount if you use public transportation during the week.
2. Don’t use your car for business purposes
Some insurance companies will add a “business use surcharge” or increase your auto insurance premium as your annual mileage increases. But, if you must use your car for business, be sure to tell your company, so that your daily business travel is covered.
3. Increase your deductible
You might save as much as 10 to 15% if you increase your deductible from $250 to $500. But, remember that you’ll be required to pay the larger deductible upfront if you have an accident.
4. Keep an eye on your credit report
Your credit history is one of many “risk factors” that most auto insurance companies evaluate when setting rates, in states where permissible by law. Paying your bills on time and maintaining a solid credit history will help keep your home and auto insurance rates lower.
5. Drive safely
You may be eligible for a price break on your car insurance policy if you have no accidents or traffic violations for a specified period, usually three years. Even a single speeding ticket can increase your auto insurance rates 5 to 10% depending on your state.
6. Buy a low-profile car
Cars are rated on a risk scale for auto insurance purposes. In general, sports cars and other high-performance vehicles are higher risk because they are common targets for thieves, and statistically, the people who own them tend to drive more recklessly.
7. Move
If you live in a rural community with little crime and traffic congestion, your auto insurance premium will generally be lower than if you live in an urban area where your car is more likely to be stolen, vandalized, or involved in an accident.
8. Keep your car in a garage
Cars parked in garages are less likely to be stolen, vandalized, or struck by other vehicles. And, you may get a slight premium reduction.
9. Install safety or anti-theft devices
Auto Insurance companies offer discounts for anti-lock brakes, automatic seat belts, airbags and more. Car alarms and tracking systems may also get you an insurance discount.
10. Shop around
OK, it might go without saying, but your current auto insurance company might not be the best one for you in the future! We recommend researching your options 30 to 45 days before your current policy is set to renew, especially if you have not shopped recently.
Savings Will Vary From Consumer To Consumer
Naturally, your savings will vary depending on a number of factors including coverage, gender, age, credit history and more. Still, it pays to spend some time looking at your auto insurance policy to see if it offers to you the coverage you need at price that you can afford.
Source: Insurance.com
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