5 Factors That Could Affect Your Child Custody Arrangement

5 Factors That Could Affect Your Child Custody Arrangement
  • Opening Intro -

    Child custody cases are never easy to resolve.

    In most cases, both parents believe they can provide the best support for their child.


The court and judges that decide the outcomes of these cases consider many factors and pieces of evidence as they make their decisions. If this battle is something you’re experiencing, use our list of factors that could affect your child custody arrangement to prepare yourself for this process.

Can You Provide For Your Child?

When a judge reviews your case in court, they look for evidence that you can provide for your child. Providing for your child includes keeping a safe and clean home, ensuring the child develops healthy habits, taking them to school, bathing them regularly, and much more.

If you want to win the custody battle, you need to prove to the judge that you’re competent in caring for your child and that you can provide for them.

The Relationship Each Parent Has With the Child

It will be obvious to the court which relationship is stronger between both parents and the child. Much of this factor will have to do with who spent the most time with the child in previous years.

The court system will take this very seriously because, in the end, they want to give your child the best outcome possible, not necessarily you. If you want to win the custody battle, ensure you build a solid relationship with your child.

Living Adjustments

No matter what, going through a custody battle will be an adjustment for both you and your child. However, the court will want to make as little of an impact on your child as possible. They will consider where the child is currently living, their schedule and routine, and how much adjusting they need to do after the custody battle.

The court system in your state will review this information and take into consideration how stable your child’s current environment is and whether moving would be disruptive.

Abuse & Neglect Allegations

A significant factor that could affect your child custody arrangement is whether you have any allegations regarding abuse or neglect against you. Whether there is actual evidence of abuse or existing accusations, the judge will not take anything that concerns the well-being of your child lightly.

If the allegations are true, the court could grant sole custody to the other parent.

Social Media Presence

Social media plays a major role in custody battles because any posts or comments you make on social networking platforms come into court as evidence. In fact, there are several ways social media can affect your custody case, so you must be mindful of what you post.

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We recommend staying off Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other platforms during your custody battle to avoid any issues.

While you cannot predict how a child custody case will pan out, you can be more mindful of what affects the case.

Remember, the most vital part of this process is your child and their well-being. Consult and work with a lawyer to help you better understand how this process works and what your options are.

Image Credit: 5 Factors That Could Affect Your Child Custody Arrangement

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