Just like any self-employed person, you’ve got to market yourself. It can seem a little strange at first to promote your own set of skills if you’re new to advertising your own business.
Don’t worry; once you get the hang of it and the jobs start coming in, you’ll be glad you did. Let’s look at how to market yourself as a freelance writer and get your fingers typing for dollars.
Social Media
If you can only choose one avenue for marketing, this is it. Social media is everywhere and just about every industry uses it to advertise, as well as every potential customer using it to find the service or product they need.
Let friends on social media know about your new freelance writing gig. Also, create a business page and ask them all to like, follow, and share.
Put those 1,000 “friends” to the test and let them know how a simple click helps greatly to promote your business.
Business Cards
Don’t leave home without them. Business cards are a quick and easy way to keep your name at the front of someone’s mind when they need a writing service. Have a professional help you design the right card to represent who you are and how your business can help others.
Choose the right size card so it isn’t easily lost yet has a uniqueness that makes it memorable. A business card should be memorable but not overwhelming.
Use business cards when you’re networking or just out and about. We don’t recommend you randomly hand them out to strangers, since that’s a sure-fire way to have a lot of beautiful business cards thrown into the garbage.
However, when business simply comes up in conversation at the bar, a friend’s house, or while waiting in line at the grocery store, hand the person you’re talking with a card and let them know you’re available should they need your service.
Create a Portfolio
Showcase your work with an online portfolio and keep track of everything you write so you can grab samples when you need them. Consider creating a simple website where clients can read what you’re all about and view your work.
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It’s one thing to say you’re a writer; it’s another to show your work.
Write a Book
A published book lets potential customers know you’re a serious writer. It’s a great addition to both your website and your business cards, to share a link where others can view excerpts from the book and also buy it if they like. Nothing says established writer like a published author!
We hope our helpful hints for how to market yourself as a freelance writer are helpful as you begin your freelancing journey and the lifestyle you desire. Hop on social media and start spreading the word, create your portfolio and website, get the perfect business cards made, and consider writing a book—your freelancing career will sky-rocket.
Image Credit: how to market yourself as a freelance writer by twenty20.com
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