Frugal and Ecofriendly: 4 Ways You Can Save Cash and the Environment

Frugal and Ecofriendly: 4 Ways You Can Save Cash and the Environment
  • Opening Intro -

    As you already know, human beings have a significant impact on the environment.

    Pollution, for example, is created by human activity, and that has helped to hamper natural environments and contribute to serious problems like the warming of the earth.


If people want to stop this harmful behavior, they need to make changes. However, many times, these changes are expensive and remain outside the budgets of what ordinary people can afford.

Thankfully, this is not the case for all green changes you may want to make in your life. Some are actually quite economical. With that in mind, below are four ways you can save cash and help the environment at the same time.

Stop Buying Bottled Water

Something that is both expensive and wasteful is bottled water. While water may be a plentiful resource, the plastic used in the creation of the bottled water container creates pollution both during the manufacturing process and after it’s later thrown away.

Bottled water is an $18.5 billion industry in the U.S. alone. Save your money and filter your own water for a fraction of the price of bottled water.

Recycle Old Electronics

If you are concerned about the environment, chances are you’re already recycling a number of things like paper, plastic, and glass. However, there is much more you can recycle that you may not even be aware of.

Electronics contain materials that can pollute the environment, and they can be recycled as well. There are companies and organizations that will pay you cash for things like old computers, phones, tablets, DVD players, and more.

Buy a Bicycle

Not many people want to abandon driving entirely. In many parts of the country, doing so isn’t feasible. Still, you don’t have to drive all the time. If you only need to drive short distances, consider buying a bike to make the trek instead. This will save you a lot of money in terms of gas and depreciation on your automobile. It will also lower your carbon footprint for the entire year.

Treat Your Own Sewage

The water that goes down your sink or is flushed down your toilet can actually be recycled into a completely safe and healthy water supply for reuse in your home. This can be done by acquiring a home grey-water recycling system. These types of domestic sewage system plants will enable you to reuse much of your water. You will save on utilities while also showing kindness to the planet.

other valuable tips:

Protecting the environment takes effort. However, it doesn’t always require great expense. There are ways you can save money and protect the environment at the same time. The four items listed above are only a starting point. Take inventory of your habits as a spender and consumer, and determine which areas you can make improvements upon.

Image Credit: Pixabay

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