Weekly Tip May 22: The Top Degrees That Have Some of the Best Earning Potential

<span>Weekly Tip May 22:</span> The Top Degrees That Have Some of the Best Earning Potential
  • Opening Intro -

    The career you choose plays an enormous role on your livelihood, as does the education you receive to obtain that desired role.

    Some degrees have more earning potential than others.


Today some of the most sought after, highest paying careers are based off of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematical (STEM) degrees.

  • Computer Science and Engineering

    Software creation, graphic design, online marketing, healthcare, law and telecommunications all involve computer science. Considering bolstering your computer science skill with engineering. Receiving training in electrical engineering grants entry to communications, mechanical and industrial careers. If designing circuit boards and firmware sounds like playtime rather than work, then this is your calling.

  • Criminal Justice

    Criminologists are researchers who propose new policies for police organizations and government agencies. Graduates with a Master in Criminal Justice online can have a great earning potential. It’s an exciting field for anyone interested in law and wants to specialize in the field. If you would rather be involved in criminal investigation but not directly in the line of fire, consider Forensic Physiology.

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  • Statistics

    Degrees in Statistics and mathematics applied math rank very high on the pay scale. Companies with analytics programs or massive amounts of data that need crunching will rely on statistics and mathematicians to put everything into order. A degree in Statistics opens paths to economy, science, data analysis, sales forecasting and market research. Since Statistics is universal, you can get creative.

  • Physics

    You need serious mathematical comprehension, but those smarts pay off. You can flexibly use a Physics degree, giving you access to dozens of career opportunities. You can become employed in technological fields, aerospace engineering, energy, research, and education with just a Bachelor’s.

  • Business Administration

    Tasks for business administrators are budget proposals, coordinating activities and serving as intermediary between the company and customers to the formation of international-scale relationships. A standalone degree won’t get you much, but if you double major or consider going back to college for managerial education, consider business administration.

Remember that when considering your career path to consider your passions. The advantage of these listed degrees is the involvement with thousands of job options. Anyone can find a suitable and enjoyable line of work and reap the financial benefits.

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