Ask most any homeowner what are some of the most important attributes of their home’s interior and you’ll get comments such as, “the vaulted ceilings in the living room” or “separate dining area with wood trim.” Though the layout of any home is important, there is another factor that weighs heavily on today’s homeowner and that is the home’s appliances.
We live in a technological age and it is our appliances which helps us to manage our busy, often complicated lives. No, I’m not talking about sophisticated coffee grinding/brewing machines nor lighting systems which turn on and off as you enter and leave a room. Rather, those major appliances which can add value to our homes, what owners want and what buyers look at when considering a home that is for sale.
Choose Your Appliances Wisely
Carefully chosen, home appliances can last for many years, offering a premium level of service and consumer satisfaction. However, if care isn’t taken when choosing a new refrigeration, dishwasher, oven, stove, washer, dryer or other compact appliance, you could end up with a huge burden perhaps even a major headache.
Consumers today are faced with a tough balancing act when it comes to shopping for new appliances. Many people suffered enormous losses when the stock market crashed last fall and are being watchful when it comes to how they spend their money. Gone are the days of buying without comparing prices; today’s consumers want the best products but they’re insisting on getting the lowest prices.
Comparison Shopping Makes Good $ense
Thanks to the internet, comparison shopping is much easier to do, giving appliance buyers the luxury to look up information about most any brand, narrow their choices and then shop by price, service guarantee, delivery, etc. Besides standard price, these other factors can add to the cost of buying new appliances making it more expensive to have a new refrigerator shipped in then buying one locally.
A case in point: your local retailer or Sears store may charge you a somewhat higher amount for an appliance you could have had shipped in as well as county and state sales tax, but when you compare shipping costs you could see your savings evaporate. Also important to consider it the warranty: who will actually serve your appliance? Will it be “Joe” at the local shop or whomever the national service center decides to send out?
Perhaps the best way to save money on new appliances is to visit your local home store and choose a floor model or select last year’s top seller which has been reduced in favor of a newer model. Regardless of where you choose to buy make certain that your major appliance carries a service guarantee and has a reputation for giving exceptional service for many years to come.
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