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Discipline to Success: The Spiritual Attribute
Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
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You must be feeling fantastic by now. You are strengthening four of the five attributes of your character and increasing self-discipline. We now reach the highest level of character well-roundedness. The spiritual attribute completes the circle that will support and accomplish your goals.
What is the spiritual attribute? The best answer to this question comes by reading the four Gospels in the New Testament section of the Holy Bible. It makes no difference whether you believe in the Divinity of Jesus Christ or not. One argument is certain: The man Jesus Christ was a great teacher of moral ethics and spiritual qualities. This viewpoint is held by most Christians, Jews, Moslems, religious zealots and agnostics.
The spiritual attribute seeks a higher plane of human development. You can be an atheist and still possess spiritual qualities that are goodly. A spiritually developed person chooses not worldly appetites, but seeks those qualities that elevate mental well-being.
You can find many theological and philosophical theories on spiritual development. We learn and apply these theories through our religious and philosophical studies. But no matter what your belief or philosophy, you can strengthen your spiritual attribute by developing the following spiritual qualities:
Next week: we will start our discussion on each of these spiritural attributes.
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