A Success Building BLOG (part IV.e)

A Success Building BLOG (part IV.e)


BLOG postings: (link to Achieving Success BLOG for all posts and PDF downloads)

Planning for Success:

The First Ingredient

“It is impossible for a man to be cheated by anyone but himself”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

continuation from BLOG post: part IV.d

Planning Phase(3): Recognition

Planning Phase (3) is the last phase in the planning process. The steps required to complete this phase include the following:

  • a: Review the goals, benchmarks, and major tasks.
  • b: Recognize the benefits that you want to achieve.

Recognizing the expected benefits motivates us. The Olympian visualizes himself winning the gold medal. The would-be actress sees herself receiving an Oscar. Our friend Dave imagines his hectic schedule inside the White House. These benefits become a force that prompts us to work . . . work . . . work.

The grand picture of getting the “Oscar,” for example, are macro-benefits. Macro-benefits paint the picture of success. They are the reason why you seek the objective. However, there are micro-benefits that are equally important. When you list your goals, benchmarks, and tasks that will achieve the ultimate benefit, e.g.; winning the Oscar, you need to identify the little benefits that inch you to your dream, e.g.; like getting your first acting job.

Micro-benefits are those accomplishments that come when we achieve individual tasks, benchmarks, and goals. Micro-benefits can motivate us when we recognize positive changes. They also gives us accountability. Accountability means analyzing whether you are achieving the desired benefit. You will make changes to your plan when these benefits fail to materialize.

Take the goal, Communication Skills, and its benchmark, Practice Speaking, from our earlier examples. What benefit should you recognize when you complete the tasks for this benchmark and goal? You should note the development of articulation, the delivery of issues, and the increased ability to captivate an audience. By noting these and other developments, you are measuring whether the tasks completed achieve the desired effect.


You can use the Justwyn Model for task planning (Appendix Form-J) to complete this step as illustrated.

Let’s review these planning concepts one more time using a different example. Dave Mansfield decides to change his life objective. He displays great athletic ability and is one of the top high school basketball players in the State. His new life objective is to become an NBA superstar. How would you design a goal plan to help Dave achieve this feat?

Review of Planning Phase(1): Forethought

Forethought: What is Dave’s objective? What achievement is he trying to make? What are his strengths and weaknesses? Does he have opportunities to exploit (such as personal connections)? Are there any threats that will hinder his success? Answer to these questions will help Dave strategically plan his goals, benchmarks, and tasks.

Planning Phase(2): The Plan of Action

You will use the Justwyn Model to plan the goals and benchmarks that will achieve Dave’s objective. The model has three planning levels —

  • Level (I): The Justwyn Model for goal planning.
  • Level (II): The Justwyn Model for benchmark planning.
  • Level (III): The Justwyn Model for task planning.

The Justwyn Model for goal planning begins at the pinnacle section of the model (Appendix Form-C). Here we write the objective that Dave is seeking to achieve. We then identify the goals that will achieve the objective and prioritize them in the model. Layer the goals in the model so that each goal supports the layer of goals above it.


After you identify and prioritize the goals in the model, move to Planning Level(II), the Justwyn Model for benchmark planning (Appendix Form-D). Place each goal in the pinnacle section of the model. Define and prioritize the benchmarks that will achieve that goal.


Planning Level(III) uses the Justwyn Model for task planning (Appendix Form-J). You will complete this part of the planning process in Chapter 12. For illustration, you will take each benchmark and define the tasks that will achieve the benchmark.


Review of Planning Phase(3): Recognition

The final planning phase recognizes the benefits. What are you expecting to achieve? Write that achievement or benefit on the Justwyn Model for task planning as illustrated above. This gives Dave a measurement scale to evaluate whether the tasks achieve the desired effect.

This completes our discussion on planning. Next time, we will work through an exercise where you can design your own goal achievement plan.

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Categories: Achieving Success

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Krayton M Davis

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