Sure Signs That You Live In A Haunted House
No, this article isn’t about your personal version of the Amityville Horror. There are no ethereal spirits plying your hallways — just a handful of rambunctious kids and a dog who thinks he is on a race track.
On the other hand, your home could be useful for a film shoot if it resembles something that the Munsters, the Addams Family, or even that blood-sucking fiend Dracula would find cozy. Yes, those creaking boards and doors that go bump in the night can work to your advantage. Let’s take a look at some signs that your home may qualify as Hollywood haunt material:
A Stairway That Goes Squeak — There is nothing more frightening than a stairwell that makes some noise. Particularly at 3 a.m. when everyone is asleep. Carpeting won’t take care of the problem, but replacing warped stairs should do the trick. Time for some home improvement!
Shutters That Flap In the Wind — Window shutters that have loosened will continually slap against the side of your home until one day they fall off. Secure the shutters in place or replace them if the elements have taken their toll. Time to start a minor exterior home renovation project.
Gutters That Go Nowhere — Hanging gutters, rotted wood fascia and downspouts that are missing can take their toll on your home’s appearance. Then again, if Stephen King was looking for some writing material, your house could be his inspiration.
Fog On The Windows — On a clear day, do you see fog in your windows? If you see fog inside of any room, call your local ghost buster. Otherwise resealing your windows or replacing them altogether could be the next home improvement project for your abode.
Doors That Swing Open When No One Is There — WD40 can handle the squeaky storm door, but a door that swings open when no one is around can cause even the most ardent unbeliever to suddenly change course.
Toilets That Flush In The Night — A toilet that flushes by itself is no sign of ghosts — there is no proof that Halloween spooks must attend to their personal needs. On the other hand, a stuck flapper can be a culprit while an old toilet should be replaced by a water saving model. Come to think of it, an entire bathroom renovation just might be in order!
Missing Attic Floorboards Need Replacing — That leg hanging down from the ceiling isn’t a separated body part, but it does belong to your Uncle Fred who found the missing attic floorboard and put a hole through your master bedroom’s ceiling. This home renovation project can be down right scary, but very needful!
Now for the scariest part: will you qualify for one of the many home improvement loans you have heard about? If you have equity in your home and the financial wherewithal to pay off your loan, then finding the money to do all of the repairs should be possible.
Then again, renting your home to a Hollywood horror producer could provide the needed cash to undertake whatever project your heart desires. Hey, its worth looking into.
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