Tag "mortgage loan"

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What Is a Loan Modifications and How Can You Use It to Your Advantage

A loan modification is a means of modifying the terms of your mortgage so that it better suits your current budget and financial situation. It can be an effective way to avoid foreclosure and keep your home.


5 Tips That Make You Better Prepared for a Mortgage Loan Hunt

With mortgage loans and their interest rates fluctuating every moment, it can get hard to strike the best deal. Regardless of whether you have approached a mortgage lender or bank, getting through with the best loan agreement depends on the experience and the analytical skills of the lender.

Credit Management

How to Buy a Home With Bad Credit

Tweet Credit problems can thwart home ownership. For consumers with bad credit the thought of buying a home is something beyond their wildest dreams. Fortunately, there are some options you

Home Financing

Fixed Rate or Adjustable Rate Mortgage?

Tweet Though it is tempting to simply choose a mortgage based on the lowest rate, there are some things you should consider. Read on for a discussion about fixed rate

Home Financing

Time to Refinance? Mortgage Rates Reach Historic Lows.

Tweet A new mortgage can help save you some money. But, don’t look now: rates on 15- and 30-year mortgages have fallen again, reaching historic lows. Refinancing may have been

Consumer Financing Home Financing Money Management

Should I Refinance Now Or Wait?

Tweet Seizing an opportunity is all about timing, therefore for the person who owns a home and is looking to refinance, consideration must be given today whether to seek a