Tag "clothing"
Clothing Inventory Reduction Done Right
Too much inventory in the store and in warehouses can be a problem. This is especially so when that inventory is clothing where quickly changing seasons require that inventory be moved sooner rather than later.
Should Your Business Keep its Casual Fridays?
Tweet Fridays were usually chosen and the term, Casual Friday, began to find its way into the business lexicon. Casual Fridays are still in action today, but some businesses have
32 Money Saving Tips For 2011
Tweet As the economy gradually recovers consumers are beginning to open up their wallets, but there isn’t much there. Sure, plastic is an option, but snake-bitten consumers are avoiding borrowing
22 Ways to Blow Your Next Interview
Tweet Unemployment remains high which means when candidates finally snag an interview, they need to be mindful that lots of other people may be applying for the same job. These
7 “Back to School” Savings Tips
Tweet When the calendar changes from July to August, children begin to act peculiar. That’s because the upcoming school year is upon them, with schools reopening for the academic year
Can Coupons Still Bring Big Savings Your Way?
Tweet Coupons have long been a staple of American life, offering clippable savings on a wide variety of food, clothing, entertainment, and personal items. When I was young, coupons ranging