Tag "beach rental"

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Beach Rental Vacation Deals and How to Get Them

Unless you plan your vacation a year in advance, your chances of finding a beach rental vacation deal are slim at popular destinations. Virginia Beach, Myrtle Beach, Coronado Central Beach, and Hawaii’s Kauna’oa Bay are among the most popular beaches in the country, with demand far outstripping availability, thereby inflating vacation rental prices tremendously.

Consumer Financing Home Financing

Is There Ever A Right Time To Buy A Time Share?

Tweet Neighbors of ours recently returned from a trip to the shore where they stayed at a friend’s house. It turns out that these friends lent them the place as

Consumer Financing Home Buying Money Management

Second Home Market Offers Some Fantastic Deals

Tweet Lost among the news about the current sub-prime mortgage meltdown is the housing market for second homes. Though the news media is focusing on the problems people are having