How to Save Money on Rent as a College Student

How to Save Money on Rent as a College Student
  • Opening Intro -

    There are a few key ways to save money on rent as a college student.

    One way is to find roommates and split the cost of the rent.

    Another way is to look for apartments or houses in lower-priced neighborhoods.


You can also try negotiating with your landlord to get a lower rent or looking for off-campus housing options. By following these tips, you can save yourself some money on rent while attending college:

Find Roommates

One of the best ways to save money on rent as a college student is by finding roommates and splitting the cost of the rent. This can be done by searching online classifieds websites (like Craigslist) or asking around campus.

If you have friends who are also looking for roommates, you can split the cost of an apartment or house between many people. This will cause less rent to pay every month, which is a great way to lower your monthly bills as a college student.

Check Out Off-Campus Housing Options

Consider moving into student housing in waterloo or other off-campus housing opportunities in your area. There are usually some price-friendly, fancy apartments near colleges you just have to do the research.

These types of places are more affordable than other kinds of properties. Why? Because they don’t have all the perks associated with living inside university grounds.

For instance, 24-hour security, getting free internet, and having a dedicated campus shuttle service.

Try Looking at Less Expensive Neighborhoods

Another good way to save money on rent as a college student is by searching different neighborhoods. It would help if you looked around to find cheap housing options near campus.

The farther away from campus an area is, the cheaper it is because fewer students live there.

Suppose you’re trying to stick closer towards campus. Try looking in less popular locations near the outskirts of campus or not next to the main street. If you’re willing to live farther away from campus and on a busier street, that can also help lower your rent prices.

Negotiate with Your Landlord

Depending on the type of property you live in (apartment complex or house), there may be room to negotiate with your landlord. If you’re renting an apartment through a real estate agent, they will allow lower rent prices than what is listed.

This is because their job is to get as many people living in that building as possible, which means more money for them. Try asking about different price options before signing a lease agreement if this is the case.

Sometimes, it can save you hundreds of dollars per month if you have signed a lease but changed your mind about staying somewhere after moving in. You may negotiate with your landlord for a lower rent price if you move out before the lease ends.

You can try negotiating through email or even in person. Be polite about it and offer an alternative solution; approaching them this way is much more likely to work than asking for a discount.

Ask for Help

If you’re desperate to save money on rent as a college student, try asking your friends or family for help. Of course, this isn’t the best idea if you don’t get along with them very well and they aren’t good at helping financially.

But sometimes, it can work. Friends/family members may offer financial help by paying some of your monthly expenses.

The Last Resort

If you are stuck on saving money on rent as a college student, another option is to live in the cheapest apartment or house possible. The only thing that might be bad about this approach is if it’s not very friendly, the building has many problems, and the neighborhood isn’t safe.

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This doesn’t happen often, but sometimes apartments can seem okay at first glance but then turn out to have many issues after moving in. If your landlord doesn’t fix any of these things when they arise, consider asking them for a reduction in rent.

You want nothing serious happening while you’re renting an unsafe property. Thus, make sure everything works before signing any lease agreements.

Final Thought

Saving money on rent as a college student doesn’t have to be complicated. By following some tips mentioned in this article, you can reduce how much you spend each month without having to compromise your quality of life.

Remember to stay patient and do your research before deciding.

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