How Parents Balance Work and Family

How Parents Balance Work and Family
  • Opening Intro -

    Balancing work and home life can be especially difficult when you are caught up in providing and then are so tired and exhausted by the time you get home.

    But what is the purpose of working so hard if you can't enjoy the fruits of your labor with the ones that you work hard for?


There are some things that all parents can implement in order to achieve a more balanced home and work life. It won’t be easy but in the end, the balance you achieve will always be worth it.

Balancing your home and work life may take some sacrifice in certain areas, but once the balance is established you will be much happier with the way that your life is going. It just takes some open and honest communication and effort to get things to where you desire them to be!

Use a calendar

It can be easy to get caught up in the things that you specifically have going on in your work and personal schedule. That’s why we recommend the use of a calendar that way you can keep everybody’s schedule in order as well as giving yourself a visual representation of the things you have coming up.

It can also be where you schedule specific activities for your children on the weekends that won’t wind up slipping your mind. This shows your family that you’re making a conscious effort to be involved in the daily lives of everyone not just your own.

Balance your passion

Most of the time when you get home you’ve given all of your energy at work and saved none of it for your family. Try to equally distribute your passion and energy between work and home. Nobody likes to feel like their bothering someone when that person is obviously tired.

It can be easy to come home and settle into a routine of being too tired to ask about others’ day. Make the conscious effort to approach conversations and interactions at home after work the same effort you give to the things you deal with at work.

Be flexible

Sometimes we have these preconceived notions in our minds of how we want things to happen and play out, but that’s not always how it works. Instead of sticking to a rigid schedule try to be more fluid and flexible.

This way you’re not disappointed if something doesn’t go according to plan and your ability to go with the flow. Everyone needs spontaneous events in their lives to let the unknown be one of those things. Instead of resisting it with fear embrace it with joy.

Get a babysitter

Spending time with your family is very important and so is spending one on one time with your spouse. You can’t allow your relationship to suffer at the hands of an unbalanced work/home life or a busy schedule. Every now and again it is okay to get a babysitter and spend some intimate time alone with your spouse.

This will help you all to rekindle the spark if it’s dwindling and spend some much needed time reintroducing yourself to your spouse. Date nights once a week or once a month have been known to improve communication and the connection between partners.

It makes your spouse feel important and like they are wanted. Most of all it makes them feel like they matter to you and your world that you’ve created.

other valuable tips:

Connect with your children

Just like above where we say on one time is important with your spouse it is also important to have special connect time with your children. They may have things going on in their daily lives that they need to speak to you about or have been holding in for a while.

Making time to connect with your children has also been proven to decrease their risk of depression or harming themselves in the future. This is because they know that they have parents who they can talk to and that actually listen to the things they have to say.

A child that feels like they are visible to their parents is less likely to hang out with the wrong crowd or begin experimenting with substances like drugs and alcohol.

We invite you to share what you have on how best to balance work and family. Take a moment to post your comments below.

Image Credit: balance work and family by Pixabay

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Consumer Tips reference:

GUIDE: establishing good credit


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Categories: The Game of Life

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