How To Secure A Higher Paying Position

How To Secure A Higher Paying Position
  • Opening Intro -

    As responsibilities and costs increase, what may have once looked like an attractive salary may simply not cut it anymore.


If you’re finding yourself falling short of your earning potential, then it may be time to seek a new position. Of course, switching to a higher paying job is tricky to pull off, which is why we have some key advice to help you.

Upgrade Your Resume

Your resume is the first port of call for those who may hire you. If it has fallen out of date, then it is time to rectify that issue. Make sure your latest contact details, skills, and experience are listed.

Don’t forget that your resume should also look good. Otherwise, managers will be less motivated to read it. Make sure it is formatted effectively and uses a clear, easy-to-read font. For resume design tips have a look at

Don’t Forget About LinkedIn

Many companies are using LinkedIn to find potential candidates. They also advertise many positions on this platform. Therefore, if your profile is a bit lacking, then you should give it a revamp.

Now is also the time to connect with as many people as possible. The more contacts you have, the greater the chance of a high-salary position ending up in your lap.

Utilize Your Connections

Many high-paying positions aren’t advertised, and the only way to hunt them down is through your existing connections. So, get in touch with your friends and family to see what they know. They may be able to put you in contact with the right company’s hiring manager so that you can secure your next big break.

Apply Online

Most companies post their positions on job sites or their company websites, so get applying if you haven’t already. Now, don’t just send a couple of applications, hear nothing back, and then give up. Locking down that high-paying position is a numbers game, and you are going to have to send a lot of applications.

For example, consider sending ten well-written applications each day. If you did this every day for a month, then that’s 300 applications. It seems hard to fail when you have numbers like that on your side.

Sell Yourself

Once you do line up an interview, it’s time to sell yourself. Do you best to show how you can benefit the company? Find a way to link your specific skills and experience to the position they need to be filled.

Of course, the first step in selling yourself is showing up to the interview on time and well dressed. While you may be nervous, it’s important to remain confident during the interview. Speak clearly and meet the interviewer’s gaze. Sit upright and maintain good posture. Of course, never check your watch (or worse yet your phone).


A higher-paying position won’t just fall into your lap. You’re going to have to work hard to find it. These tips can help you along the way, but, of course, it also comes down to your level of motivation and diligence.

Image Credit: Pixabay

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Consumer Tips reference:

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